Cero/Kidou/Abilities and how to compare them


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    Cero/Kidou/Abilities and how to compare them Empty Cero/Kidou/Abilities and how to compare them

    Post by Rena Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:32 pm

    Powers and how they compare to other powers.

    Now.. as with anything. Despite all the balancing attempts done to make things as far as possible. Some characters and races are just going to have some kind of advantage. It's part of the RP. But the least we can do is make sure no one overplays an abilities strength right? So here you go!

    Bala - Now this is basically a condensed Cero that gives up power for being 20X faster than Cero. Which makes it akin to hadou no 4 and quincy arrows and bullets I guess in terms of speed. but in terms of power it's actually weakened to be between hadou 4 and hadou 31 in strength depending on who is using it.

    Bala also have a five per post limitation to keep fairness.

    Cero - Bleach fans recognize the word that means someone just fired a big beam of death at someone else. On the forum this thing is able to be on par with Hadou within the range of 52 and 63 depending on how effective, or lack thereof, the user is of this power.

    Cero, Kidou, and other techniques in these levels have a one post cooldown. (Or once per post depending on whats going on)

    Gran Rey Cero - a special cero that requires users blood to be mixed with a normal cero to form this thing. It's clearly superior to any normal cero on the show and we keep that here. On the forum it is able to block/counter and otherwise be on par with any hadou up to the 82nd level. This also means Bakudo 81: Danku which can block up to the 89th level. Can block this cero and anything as powerful as this cero.

    Gran Rey Cero and Techniques in this level have a three post cooldown.

    Cero Oscuras - Now while we only see this special cero in the released form of Arrancar.. It's still made to look like it is infact even more superior to the already stronger than normal Gran Rey Cero. Which is reflected here as well. On the forum this cero can take any kidou up to the 89th level and can effectively OVERCOME Bakudo 81: Danku dealing severe damage or minor damage after breaking it depending on strengths and weaknesses of both users.

    Cero Oscuras, Kidou in this range, and techniques of this level have a four post Cooldown.

    Forbidden Kidou - While they've always been shown to be these almighty end all abilities there isn't really anything else that can feasibly be compared to them. on the forum this is the pinnacle of damaging power. You don't want to take this hit unless you are a tank character and you are relatively uninjured or at least not in bad shape. Anything compared TO this level of damage will effectively screw up someone in some way if it hits them.

    Kidou of this nature and other techniques of this level have a five post Cooldown.

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