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    Attack On Tokyo


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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:36 pm

    The night air was warm and somewhat humid, like it was thinking about raining but hadn't settled on it yet. The sky, aside from those few clouds was clear enough. The moon shone brightly on the city below, but the stars were lost to the endless sea of city lights that beamed back up, drowning out the little specks and extinguishing them. Down below, innumerable people still roamed the streets in spite of the late hour. The city never sleeps, they say, and for the world's largest metropolitan area, that went tenfold.

    It did still stand to reason then that the despite all the many ants marching below, up on the top of the buildings, things were quiet. Hardly much up there to do at all. Only delinquents and troublemakers really ventured up to these heights in the middle of the night. No one was there to see, not that they would be able to see it anyway, a tear in the fabric of reality open, like a yawning mouth, teeth stretching further and further apart. A black void lay within this gate -- two figures stepped out.

    "Phew." The shorter of the two remarked, looking up at the starless sky. "Hotter here than I expected." He stepped forward toward the edge of the building, putting a foot up on the ledge. "Look at all those little people down there. They're like bugs!"

    The wind blew back his hood, revealing a head capped with a white mane of hair -- and a mask fragment shaped like a wolf's skull. "I wonder how much mayhem we can cause." Loki mused, looking back at his co conspirator. "You ready?"

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:56 pm

    The light of the city would be all she could see. The small specks of lights as people move around doing their business for the city night. While all of them were having fun within their bliss, she would be gliding in the air and slowly landing on the top of Tokyo tower. Her equipment all set and cleaned. Her outfit also set, while she herself thought the outfit was obnoxious she couldn't help but admire herself as one of those magical girls in those animes everyone keeps talking about. The outfit being red with white accents her shoulders having frills attached. The symbols on her skirt being magical circles of sorts.

    "Ha.. why does it have to be on exam day... I just wanted to sleep..."

    As she would glare at the tear in the sky while the hole continuously keeps opening slightly bigger than before.

    Sakura finally reaching the top would deactivate her wings landing on the top of the building wind blowing stronger up at the tower tip.

    "Time for work." She would grasp her magical staff waiting for the tear to spill the evil spirits. It was times like this she wished she had a partner of sort someone she could talk and confide with no one at school would understand neither her foster parents.

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:29 pm

    Suko arrived with little more on his mind than the most malicious intentions. "The reason they look like bugs down there is.. well, because they are, Loki. We can crush them like bugs at our leisure, frankly letting them live would be a pity at this stage."

    Suko smirked, digging his legs into the ground so that he could get a suitable grip on the terrain to propel himself forward towards the first bag of flesh that interested him. These peasants scattered around would entertain him later, he had much bigger plans than they could imagine and they began with a prize atop the Tokyo tower. She was a human with an odd amount of Reiatsu, not the first like her but perhaps the most interesting to him.

    Always had to be an appetizer, afterall.


    Zato wouldn't normally be in Tokyo, but the Hollows flooding his village from the area had grown far too plentiful to ignore and whatever weird itch he got when the strong ones appeared was even more pronounced than usual. Zato was undeterred, scouring the skyline for any signs of trouble that might make itself apparent to him in the short-term. The wind seemed to blow something his way, a feeling of unease and discontent that did littlle to settle his nerves as he continued to wander the streets of this modern metropolis. The people were so blissfully unaware of what Zato could sense was coming...

    He had to protect them.


    Ika had also sensed all the hoopla and didn't really care to do more than sit back and watch the fireworks from afar. He'd found a building away from, the action that would come, lighting a cigarette before gently placing it between his lips as smoke would begin to obfuscate the world in front of him. "Let's see what happens.."

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:05 pm

    Rinoa didn't really know much about Tokyo, since she had to travel so much, but she did find the busy nature of the city, even at night, to be exciting. She had been on patrol when a massive hole ripped open in the sky and two strong energies radiated out of it. She took a quick gander around with her limited sensing abilities, noting someone else nearby might get involved, and wondered if she should ask them for help dealing with the problem. Before she could locate the person though one of the hostile energies above started moving at high speeds.

    Since she noticed the hostile presence immediately bolt off towards the top of Tokyo Tower she ignored the rest of what was going through her head and her plan to try to get that other stranger involved since she couldn't find them anyways and instead used her own telekinetic powers to let her run up the side of the building so that she could get to the presence before it did anything at the top of the tower. She could only figure it had chosen to attack whoever was already up there, but by Rinoa's own figuring, that hollow, or at least whatever the hell it was since it didn't seem like any hollow she had ever seen before, probably didn't plan to let that person live.

    In that case it was Rinoa's job to try and intervene and do what she could to either save the person, kill the hollow, or both. Unfortunately she didn't think she'd be able to do both considering once she reached the top of the tower she could tell that the other hollow or whatever it was was even more powerful than the one she had bolted up the side of the building to get to.

    More powerful than her by what she could tell too. Not that that was going to instill fear in her or stop her from trying to help. As she pulled her gunblade off from her side she called out to the girl who had been a top the tower already. "Hey! Little girl you need to come down from there right now! That thing is NOT friendly!" yeah sure Rinoa could tell the girl wasn't exactly a normal average person, but as far as Rinoa was concerned it was HER job to try and protect everyone and anyone from anything related to Hollow. To that end she lifted her non-blade wielding arm up and fired a bladed discus looking object towards the Hollow-thing in question as if firing a metal bala at him. Whether he dealt with it or not it would find it's way back to her arm soon enough so she didn't have to worry about that.

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    Attack On Tokyo JgZTdc9

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:06 am

    Loki hopped off the building, choosing to go down rather than across. What Suko wished to get with quality, Loki would make do with quantity. He'd slice their little souls apart by the hundreds, and perhaps roll all of their little souls into a giant ball that he could feast upon later. For now though, he had to make do with what he had here.

    He landed on a car, sight unseen to the normal living people around, but the car crumpled beneath his unnaturally sturdy legs and momentum, sending a shockwave that knocked some off their feet.

    They couldn't see him, but he could tell they knew what was going on. Their expressions of fear filled him with that sort of glee one came across when they were about to play with a new toy. It had been a rather long time since he'd come to the world of the living, and he was going to savor it. For sure.

    "Run, little ants, run while you still can. Before the big bad wolf gets ya!" He leaped forward instantly as he spoke, charging with his oversized zanpakuto drawn, about to cut three civilians in half in one large horizontal cleave...

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:20 am

    Within the high winds on Tokyo tower Sakura would be focused on the gate above until hearing a small voice telling her to get down. Taking a look she would finally notice a fast moving something aiming straight at her with not so good intentions as the voice entailed.

    Quickly she would grab a card out of her pocket and toss it in front of her yelling out "Oh guardian Shield come and protect those you have sworn for Appear before me!" As a huge astral knight would appear behind her with a starry shield covering her and a good portion of the tower platform the shield itself able to black bala attacks and maybe even cero levels too though Sakura herself never got into that high of a battle to test.

    Sakura knew she wasn't the best at sensing but how could she have missed the enemies actually already out of the gate and on the ground levels. These mistakes cost lives! This was not good at all especially seeing that there was another reking havoc on the ground where all those people are.

    She did hear the other individual who she could see climbing the wall. She didn't know who but hopefully the unknown lady could take care of the other one while she figure out how to take this one out first.

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:45 pm

    Suko wasn't particularly interested in entertaining this girls defensive manuevers, so he made a detour using his claw to rip the building open as he continued to scurry up through the floors beneath her. Once there, he spun his body around using his claw to rip the building open, and his tail to wrap around the girls ankles and pull her down towards him. He couldn't keep a full grip, but the girl would probably be plenty stunned by having her yanked from under her. Unfortunately, the screams of panic and scuttling feet of humans occupying the building seemed to be helping the girl buy a bit of time much to Sano's chagrin. An angry snarl would announce his ill-intent, and then the bodies would begin to drop.

    Sano launched a Cero through the room, some people were able to avoid it but those who couldn't were eviscerated and left in gory eviscerated pieces on the ground below. One particularly brave man tried to come up behind Sano with a blunt object, but found himself impaled on the end of his tail before having his throat ripped out by Sano's teeth. "Come out little girl, don't make me kill every human in this tower to find your corpse!"


    Zato noticed the man leaping forward towards the civilians and instantly Blurred himself into action with all three swords drawn at the ready. This guy was strong, way stronger than his twink-esque frame would've indicated as Zato felt his feet slide across the ground despite his advantageous positioning. A grimace would quickly obfuscate Zato's features as he leaped backwards to create some distance between himself and his new opponent. The people he'd saved seemed to have made it out of the area unscathed, but he had a horrible feeling he wasn't going to be able to save all of these people.

    He couldn't focus on that, his goal needed to be saving as many as possible even if he just acted as a decoy for them to escape. "Alright monster, if that clash is anything to go off of you're pretty tough. What's your name? I wanna know what to engrave in your forehead what's left of you back home, bastard."

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:18 pm

    Rinoa's attacked didn't necessarily bounce off the hollow-thing uselessly so much as that the hollow-thing seemingly ignored the attack when it collided into him. Guess he was more hungry than worried, considering how strong he seemed to be that didn't shock Rinoa, though watching him slash through the rooftop and plummet the two girls onto the floor below was a bit of a startle. Quick thinking and calmness allowed Rinoa to carefully levitate herself and Sakura to the floor without suffering any injuries via her Telekinesis ability, but she couldn't spend any time worrying about the little girl because the hollow started charging and then fired a Cero directly into a path of people while trying to locate the two girls amidst the smoke and debris.

    She couldn't do anything to save those people that quickly. That hurt her emotionally, but she shook it off because it was that "things" fault and she needed to figure out how to get rid of it quickly. Someone tried to attack Suko with a pipe but he was killed before Rinoa could even yell for him to not try that. Instead she fired another bala-esque metal discus attack at the back of Suko's head and assuming she got his attention at that point, she'd snap her fingers at him once and attempt to hit him with a literal and big bolt of lightning that would have equaled the power of his own earlier cero.

    The only good thing, and she struggled to call it such since it was nothing short of a tragedy, was that with everyone but Sakura dead, dying, or fleeing the floor/building, Rinoa didn't have to hold back against something that was clearly going to take her full effort to deal with. She thought for a moment and spoke out loud without actually trying to locate Sakura, since for all Rinoa knew taking her eyes off Suko could get her killed, and calmly said "hey little girl if you can still hear me either hide or help. Just try not to hit me if at all possible."

    Wasn't even sure if the girl was a fighter. All she knew is the girl has some powers since she shielded herself earlier, but a little girl is a little girl and she could have run off terrified. Not that Rinoa would blame the poor dear.

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    Attack On Tokyo JgZTdc9

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:59 pm

    Loki followed through with the slash, feeling his new opponent yield and jump backward. The young arrancar hoisted his sword over his shoulder, looking at the one standing before him haughtily. This one was a human, definitely not a Shinigami. His soul was fresh and pure, like those of the living, albeit just a little heavier. A little more powerful.

    Not powerful enough, however. Loki was an Adjuchas-level Arrancar. The difference between them, in his humble opinion, was as heaven and earth.

    "Looks like one of the humans is tough." He remarked, a twisted sneer creeping across his features. "Sounds good to me. My name is Loki. Carve it into my forehead before I carve it into yours, little rabbit." He ran forward once again, leaping high into the air with his sword brandished. At the peak of his jump, Loki would launch three Bala at Zato, following up with a heavy vertical slash with his zanpakuto that would make the asphalt beneath them explode in a plume of dust and gravel.

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:24 pm

    Sakura was woozy and disorientated as she was dragged through 2 floors. She didnt expect the flight object to be able to move in mid air and change trajectories. Within the dust she could hear screams as civilians ran for their lives she would frown. This wasn't the place to fight she made a mistake perching up on the tower in the first place. She would try and move before Flinching in pain as a huge bruise would be forming on her leg. Doesn't seem like it was broken or anything yet but damn it hurt.

    Within the cloud she barely heard the other lady speaking but it seemed like she saved her from well alot more harm than what she's currently at. Dust everywhere she couldn't really get too much of a pin on where the lady or the monster was but hearing their voice made that simple for her to determine. Crawling on the ground she was determined to give some payback. A little girl she might be but she's been doing this for a while and hell if she's going to just run because the opponent was strong.

    As she got into position still on the ground as standing wasn't probably a good idea for her she would start her chant she just hoped the lady noticed and got out of the way in time.

    "Guardian of the Wind I beset you to heed my call. Bind my foe so that peace can be brought once again. Come forth WINDY!"

    As she would chant the magical circle would turn green as a small fairy like wind Spirit would summon. The spirit would start launching wind like tendrils at Suko in an attempt to bind and blow him out of the tower hopefully taking the fight elsewhere.

    "Lady! Now!"

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:12 pm

    This asshole was a little too cocky for Zato's liking, and unfortunately it seemed justifiable.

    Zato Blurred backwards, eating one of the Bala to his arm as he grimaced and bit down on the sword currently clenched between his teeth. It hurt, the skin had been pretty quickly seared off the muscle but he was more than fine to intercept the oncoming vertical slash. What he was not expecting however, was that parrying an attack like this could literally crack the ground beneath his feet and leave him to feel as though he was stuck in cement. Zato tried not to relent, letting his feet slide along the ground as dust and cement exploded into the air but this moment had crystalized the danger he was in.

    He wasn't going to win this fight.

    That suited Zato just fine, he wasn't one for fights where he was an obvious winner and he'd already made peace with dying here if that's what fate had in store. Zato's face curled into a satisfied snarl as his blades succeeded in their task of holding off this monster. "Loki eh? I think I can fit that in cursive if I'm really feeling a challenge. What else ya got?"


    Who the fuck was this other girl?

    Somehow, Suko's fascination with the younger and easier prey had obfuscated this much more interesting target from his radar. Even her little attack which pinged off claw arm hadn't really done much to deter him, but she was much more apparent now than she'd been earlier. It didn't really matter, a difficult corpse was still just a corpse but it was giving these peasants unnecessary time to run away and that simply wouldn't do. It was unfortunate really, it had taken yet another disc to the back of his dome to convince him that she was a threat worth heeding, but he intended to make sure that she regretted that distinction.

    "Good aim for a blind bitch, did you see what happened to the last guy who got in the way of my hunt? Maybe I'll eat you side by side, both impaled and sobbing on my tail while I take bites, seeing who dies first.. No prize for the winner! Just more time to beg whatever God you pray to for mercy and-"


    Well that.. really fucking hurt. Zato felt his head spinning, his body twitched as the bolt of lightning struck him with an almost unusual fury. His muscles seemed to be pinging his brain, begging for some reprieve from what they were feeling but there was none to be had. "You.. Cunt!"

    Suko had now entered a blind rage, charging at Rinoa with murderous intent as his tail unfurled itself while he Sonido'd forward, his hope was that he could stab her in one quick movement while the building limited her escape routes. Unfortunately the other girl was.. still here. Sort of. Shame she had some nonsensically long-winded incantation. It gave Suko enough time to point his claw towards her and her fairy summon with a Cero already prepared. "Die now."

    Whether the blast landed or not was somewhat immaterial, the structural damage of the blast aimed towards the ground as it was caused the ground to sway and sink inwards, and this was only aided by the new arrivals to the battlefield. Suko could smell them, hear their screams as the portals opened... "Gillians.."

    The building was now under siege, it's foundations being hammered with cero's and occasional bodies from whatever unfortunate humans these monsters could get their hands on. The chaos of it all was exciting to be sure, but Suko knew they weren't allies. The Hollow world was more or less a free-for-all, and these beasts came for a buffet and didn't care what was on the menu.

    Tough shit for them, he wasn't an option.

    Bonus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Ika continued to smoke a cigarette lazily, letting his mind drift between the smoke and the bodies beginning to pile up below him. A Cero passed his head briefly as one particularly brave Hollow made an attempt on his life, an attempt that would be reciprocated with a lazily cast Hadou 4 that seemed to take it's soul long before it knew the error of it's ways. "These beasts will never learn.."

    Stupid beasts, couldn't they see he was busy? No respect for scouting these days..


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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:33 pm

    Looked like the guy finally noticed her right as she bounced her blaster edge off his head. He turned and began speaking to her but she had already started her next attack while he was doing so and bam. Dead on assault from Lightning. He looked super pissed so that must have hurt quite a bit. She didn't have the speed to move out of the way so she threw up her blaster edge, which had already returned to her arm, to use as a shield. While his tail was infact stopped from piercing her because of this, his momentum and strength barreled her straight out of the building through one of the walls anyways.

    She was forced to use her telekinesis to catch and float herself in mid air where she finally managed to stop herself, which gave her the whole visual scene of the building being actively blown apart piece by piece by loads of other hollow that kept shooting bala and cero willy nilly at it with reckless abandon. As much as she wanted to try and curb that situation, they were still collectively less of a threat than the hollow-thing she had been fighting up to this point. So she decided to ignore them as targets and located Suko instead, who had likely resumed hunting for the little girl and any other humans he could find at this point. Even if he was still standing at the edge of the building staring at her. Her course of action wouldn't change.

    She thought about an element that could assist in dealing him more pain than Lightning, since the overall power wouldn't really change from her last attack. Having come up with one, she formed a large ball of acid over his head and splashed it over him a moment later. Normally she wouldn't try to endanger other people, but if Suko didn't retreat or die then everyone in the building was going to be killed anyways. After dropping the acid attempt on his head she would hover back into the building and try to get back to the side of Sakura, whom Rinoa still didn't know the name of and would definitely try to ask about later if they survived.

    On her way back she thought she saw a bolt of lightning fired into the sky from somewhere and temporarily believed a shinigami captain had arrived to save the day, but by the time she blinked and double looked to see if she had actually seen that, both traces of it and the spiritual energy that created it were already gone from her ability to sense. She cursed not being better at it but didn't have time to dwell on that right now.

    If Suko continued to attack Rinoa all the better since that's what she currently wanted, but if he attacked the little girl instead at this point she'd fire a couple of bala-like bullets at him with her gunblade to re-grab his attention.

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    Attack On Tokyo JgZTdc9

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:45 pm

    They clashed. His opponent looked like he was going to fall to the ground almost, but surprisingly, he held up, his stance unsteady yet unyielding, even as the road shattered beneath them. The little rabbit before him made some snide joke about cursive (what the hell even was that anyway?) but Loki didn't really pay any mind. Instead, he doubled down, letting the air grow colder as icy mist formed around him. If the human wanted to stay here, that was his prerogative, but Loki wasn't about to let him do so for free.

    It would be expected that the human would retreat, and in doing so, Loki would follow him with another horizontal swipe, intent on sending him flying backwards. He wanted to play with his food just a bit more before he destroyed it.

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:12 pm

    Sakura as she launched her attack would quickly see the Cero being launched at her. Leaving Windy running about she would quickly cast Shield using her magic on another summon. What she didn't realize at the time was that she didn't need that stupid incantation to summon her creatures in the first place.

    "Shield!" She would yell as the Astral Knight would reappear casting a barrier to block the cero. And as the cero hit the shield was holding strong till cracks started to appear until the shield breaking apart only deflecting the cero to the ground where the floor would collapse beneath her. As she fell the tower shook as more assaults this time from the outside would strike. She herself would hit the floor hard but be relatively fine but the view outside wasn't so pleasant. More Hollows began to spill out creatures with long bodies with long faces. Honestly they kind of looked like No faces from the movies she seen.

    She could tell that one Evil spirit above her was cut above the rest. Honestly she might be more of a hinderance than help to the lady fighting him as well. She might have to bow out and fend off the No-faces instead. She didn't know what to do.

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    Attack On Tokyo Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:57 pm

    Oh sweet fuck it was cold. Too cold, way too fucking cold.

    Zato could feel his muscles tense up and his fingers get numb as they clung tightly to the hilts of his blade. This aura was.. horrifying, horrible, colder than any ice he'd ever felt and his temperature was dropping fast. Zato didn't want to run, he held firm even as his legs fumbled backwards for footing until the man throttled himself forward and made another horizontal slash at Zato's now shaky guard. There wasn't much Zato could do to defend himself here, he skidded across the ground for a moment before a combination of ice, momentum, and shaky footing sent him tumbling backwards as his body was ravaged by the now icy asphalt. He pulled himself up quickly, his blades still drawn as blood slowly dripped down his knees and arms. He needed to give this his best shot now, it was his only chance of winning as he steadied his blades, warming his blood with whatever fire was left inside of him.

    "Be reaped and laid to rest.. Oni Giri!"

    In an instant, Zato blurred forward with all three of his blades drawn and did his damnedest to cut the man to pieces. He wasn't sure it'd work, but it was the biggest shot he had available to him right now.

    The chills hadn't faded, a bad omen for his chances in this fight.


    Good news the first bitch was seemingly outside the building now. Bad news.. she could airwalk or something? Ah what the fuck ever. Suko's hunt for the girl was being dealt some serious damage by the fact that the building was collapsing around them. Rinoa's attempt to drop acid on him was moderately successful, a pained groan leaving Suko's lips as some of the acid began to burn it's way through his carapice while the rest was narrowly avoided only by by the now tilting and destablized building. Suko yet again Sonido'd forward, using his claw to parry the bullets as his tail lurched forward hoping to skewer the semi-prone school girl he'd tightened his focus on. She wasn't the main threat, that much was clear, but she was a vulnerability to the other girl that he desperately felt he needed.

    Unfortunately for Suko, his onslaught was probably going to be short-lived. The crashing of energy outside and the cero's that seemed to be striking buildings every moment had weakened the foundation substantially, and it seemed that at any moment the building would collapse in on itself. He just needed one more second before...


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