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    Attack On Tokyo


    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Attack On Tokyo - Page 3 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:25 pm

    A tremble.

    For the first time in a long-time Zato felt himself rattling like a caged animal. His limbs jolted without input from his conscious mind, his fingers and toes seemed to be mumbling escape acts as he did his best to steel himself. That monster had been the strongest thing he'd ever fought by far, Zato was dead to rights and this man dispatched the creature like it was an inconvenient part of his midnight stroll. That level of power was something Zato couldn't even fathom. He didn't even really know how to register it in this particular moment, and so he decided not to. Zato slowly approached the man, sheathing his swords as his blood began to dry on his somewhat tattered form. "Thanks for the help back there, but you could at least give us a name or something couldn't ya?"


    "Hey I wouldn't make a habit out of annoying people when they show up to keep you from becoming a chewtoy."

    Ika lazily put his card away, lighting a cigarette with the tip of his finger as he surveyed the damage that had been caused. "You know I was told you humans could fight, but I gotta say I thought when I was told that the implication would be that you could win at least sometimes. If a Vasto Lorde ever showed up or even just a high-end Arrancar.. you'd all be wiped out before I could bother waltzing down here to help out."

    Ika smirked, taking a drag off his cigarette while he let his words linger for a moment. "If only.. there were an extremely attractive man with long, flowing black hair at the scene of this particular crime, offering a helping hand to ensure you humans can fight back against monsters like those."

    Ika walked to a nearby window that had gone unshattered, taking another drag off his cigarette of choice before continuing. "So hey anyway, I'm hoping to start a team of you guys that can help to defend the Earth against creatures like those, and I'm offering to train anyone who joins personally. So.. any takers?"

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Attack On Tokyo - Page 3 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:56 pm

    Rinoa finished bandaging Sakura, checked her own wounds and was relatively fine minus the patch she had to put on her cheek, and listened as Zato questioned who the shinigami was and got countered with a "don't bite the hand that feeds you" line by said shinigami. A tad arrogant perhaps but considering how strong he was and the fact he was wearing a t-shirt confused her. As far as she was aware the only shinigami this powerful were all captains, and the only two she'd ever met didn't wear regular cloths.

    Did that mean he wasn't with Soul Society? Who was this man? He WAS a shinigami, Rinoa was absolutely certain.

    The man continued on about.. presumably himself? She figured the implication was that he was being a dashing hero here to assist the human race fight the hollow. But that didn't match up with what she had been taught about the shinigami and their ways, limited as her information was, since she wasn't a real shinigami, it was not nothing. He didn't have the haori and he didn't give his name or rank. She kept her mouth shut on the matter for now though and merely decided to remain cautious while she worked on approaching him since she wanted to try and bandage up Zato if she thought she could.

    As she reached them he finished with mentioning trying to find a bunch of super powerful humans capable of forming a group large enough to defend against the increasing hollow activity? Had things gotten worse than she was originally told? Sure things got out of hand on a rare occassion but there were only so many shinigami scattered in the world of the living at a time. It was part of the point of why Rinoa was chosen to test run the Substitute Shinigami program.. if they could properly trust certain humans to help themselves then it would reduce the issue on it's own time.

    This further solidified that even if he had good intentions they were not aligned with the will of Soul Society. However Rinoa wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to keep an eye on the shinigami. Besides if he really was just trying to help then there would be no harm in letting him do so. Her job was to kill Hollow. They never said she had to care about any of their laws outside of that. This is their problem.

    Regardless if Zato did need bandaging and allowed it Rinoa would patch him up first, otherwise she'd just start talking to Ika Mazi directly, "I'm Rinoa Heartilly. I know what you are, but I don't know who you are. You say you want to help though? I'm game for that! Hollow's are getting too common these days it's really hard work ya know. We need more people on this."

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