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    Attack On Tokyo


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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:14 am

    Rinoa couldn't get infront of Suko fast enough, so she didn't bother trying, instead she "force pushed" Sakura out of the way with her telekinesis and charged at Suko's back in the process of doing so, by the time he realized he had missed Rinoa would have already swung her gunblade for the back of his head. Or at least that would have happened if the whole building hadn't decided it was done being swiss cheese and began collapsing in it's entirety. Not only did this cause Rinoa's swing to slice air instead of Suko's head, but it forced her to leave the building through the quickly collapsing hole he had made putting her outside earlier with one of his attacks.

    She couldn't get herself out and grab the school girl since at that moment she didn't even know where the girl was but given that the girl had been at the top of the tower alone, she really hoped that meant the girl could escape the collapsing building on her own too. At least she could possibly do something to defend herself since she clearly had powers. Maybe that wind creature thing could assist her or something. Rinoa didn't know.

    As she hovered outside the now collapsed building one of the nearby Menos Grande decided he was extra stupid and tried to attack her, she flicked her wrist at him and he was scorched alive by flames, she was too busy looking for signs of either Suko or the Girl to care about something like that right now.

    She didn't find either of them, but she did hear the sounds of battle on the ground level apparently some swordsman was fighting with another hollow-thing, a swordsman that.. used.. three.. swords..? Rinoa had never seen or heard of that but hey whatever worked for him right? He seemed to be in the middle of an impressive attack, so she figured he would be okay for at least another minute while she tried to finish dealing with the hollow-thing she thought was probably super pissed off somewhere in the rubble of the building.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:37 pm

    Loki watched as his opponent slid across the slippery road. He watched him hoist himself up and smirked savagely.

    "Heh." He stuck his zanpakuto in the ground, crossing his arms. "You don't realize how hopeless this is for you yet, huh?" He was answered with Zato steadying his blade. "Come then. See if you can even cut me."

    He splayed his arms out as Zato blurred forward, slicing him forwards backwards left and right. He could see him wherever he went, and still there was nothing.

    His hoodie had been cut -- the hollow hole in his chest was now laid bare. But the most startling thing was the gash that appeared across Loki's face, blood slowly oozing from the wound across his nose. He put his hand up there for a moment, feeling the warm red pool in his fingers.

    The little rabbit was stronger than he thought.

    "Well then, I suppose that's on me. I underestimated you." He remarked, his expression suddenly much colder. This game had worn out its welcome, and as Loki put his hand back on his zanpakuto Zato would feel a wave of crushing spiritual pressure emerge from him as he undid the seal on his power. "How about you get a taste of true despair? Tear down the stars, Devorador del Sol."

    A further explosion of spiritual pressure washed over the streets as suddenly Loki got much bigger. The transformation did not take much time at all -- where there had once been a rather short, skinny human-ish person, there instead stood a fifty-foot tall wolf, eyeing Zato dangerously.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:41 pm

    Sakura within the mess would be limping towards the hole in that was first created by Suko. The Building slowly collapsing around her concrete falling around her. She knew she couldnt stay there anymore she had to leave or get buried alive. Fishing a card out of her pocket she would toss it as she would bring herself to fall into the hole. The magic circle would appear beneath her her back shining before 2 majestic wings would form giving her the ability of flight. Flying out of the way to avoid the tower falling on top of her she would spot the Lady that helped her and a new person with a sword in his mouth?? Some people are weird....

    Seeing that she blasted that big Evil spirit again she would slowly fly down to her location and land carefully not to hurt her leg even more.

    "Um.. Thanks for helping me Nee-san. Uh.. Do we need to help that guy over there?" She would wince a bit putting a bit too much weight on her bruised leg as she refers to Zato whos opponent just turned into a huge Wolf.

    Seeing that they were also slowly getting surrounded by the Menos Grandes she would summon her strongest card.
    "Guardian of the Sun I summon you Purify those in front of me!" As she finished her chant a Huge Lion with Wings would appear from within the Magical circle Roaring as heat would wave off of it.
    Heeding the call the Lion would jump attacking the nearest Menos Grandes burning them into bits.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:02 pm

    Good news, Zato drew blood and he could feel it. He could feel his blood tearing flesh and cloth and even if the attack hadn't killed this man, he was satisfied to know he'd been able to draw blood. Then he said something about despair, true despair and then..

    What the fuck was that..?

    Zato's eyes were now colored by the world around him. The hue of the flames caused by the destruction of the Gillian class Hollows around them were dancing in his eyes, the size of the now monstrous once twink made it hard to focus on anything else as the skyline burned a dull orange behind him. This man was a monster, that much was clear to anyone in eye-shot and it was going to be up to Zato to find a way to put him down for good. Zato cracked his neck, slowly raising his swords in front of him as he pushed what fear he had to the back of his mind.

    "I reconciled with dying to you monsters long ago bastard.. Come at me!"


    Suko's moment was much less eventful. His prey had gotten away, the building was collapsing around his feet as he did his best to skitter too and fro comedically. Suko Sonido'd down with the building, allowing the rubble to inconvenience him moderately as he dug through it and began to work his way over to Loki who seemed as though he'd had enough of whatever moron he was dealing with. The sting from the acid attack earlier still lingered painfully on his mind as he tried to figure out what exactly he could do to ensure those two ended up dead by the end of the day, and he admittedly found his answers more than a little underwhelming.

    Ah well, time to get to Loki..


    Ika meanwhile was watching the action unfold, still supressing his Spiritual Pressure enough that the occasional stupid Hollow would make an attempt and pay for it. Whatever Humans were down there were still fighting, an impressive display to be sure but if that giant dog was anything to go off of..

    The show was probably coming to a close.

    What a pity..


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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Sun Jul 21, 2024 1:00 pm

    Rinoa only nodded as Sakura thanked her, almost ignoring the fact she had been called Nee-san, which otherwise would have made her smile, because she was busy staring at the pile of rubble that was once Tokyo Tower. She could feel him there, still alive, but he was...not coming out. He started moving away from them? Confused that her spiritual senses were not matching her eyes she looked to the left to see a giant wolf fighting the three swords man from earlier.

    How did she miss that? She was so focused on the one she didn't notice the other transform!?

    "If you can still fight then we assist the swordsman!" Rinoa said while sprinting in that direction once she realized her current target had left that way as well, they weren't that far away objectively so she wouldn't take long to get to the swordsman's side right as he resolved himself to fight to the death against the giant wolf creature.

    Sliding to a stop she raised a hand and snapped her fingers at Loki, causing a small five foot explosion of lightning with power equal to a normal cero right in his face. Given his size and the fact he could just.. move. She doubted she'd hit him, but even if she didn't the fact was he'd have to deal with that for a moment rather than continue to attack the group of humans who had by now likely all gathered near him to face off.

    She kept her eyes out for the other hollow-thing though. She didn't see him but she knew he was still nearby somewhere.

    She glanced over at the swordman and said "Get Ready!" at him loudly so that he didn't mistake her for not speaking at him, then proceeded to mega yeet him through the air at the giant wolf at super high speeds, maybe not quite the speed of a Bala perhaps but still really fast all using her Telekinetic ability.

    Only at this point did she notice how bloody cold it was, why was it so god damn cold? She shivered and slightly shook a bit given that she was barely clothed as was and looked around slightly before once again staring at the big wolf. Was he the cause? That meant her earlier attack should have been heat or fire, or something else hot. Damn. Well if she lived long enough to try again she knew what to do now at least..

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:59 pm

    It was immediately clear that what stood before Zato was no longer possessed of a sapient mind. Only bestial instinct. The giant wolf eyed Zato like a beast, slowly strafing to the side. A blast came at it from beyond the fray, but the wolf saw and leapt to the side, landing against the side of a building. In a flash, the leapt forward as it redirected its momentum. The beast opened its great jaws in an attempt to consume Zato whole. It would approach with the force of a freight train, tearing up asphalt where its teeth met the road.

    With its eyes following where Zato would choose to dodge, it would waste no time in turning around and launching a Bajo Cero at Zato. The area all around the blast would be covered in a thick sheet of ice, some mundane humans who happened to be caught in the blast were turned into ice sculptures, and any spiritual being caught in the blast wouldn't leave without strong frostbite.

    As additional people entered the fray, it positioned itself as a wolf would, albeit without packmates, in a spot where all could be seen, waiting for their next move.

    (save mega yeet for Zato's turn)

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:22 am

    As Rinoa dashed off Sakura would look over to her sun guardian get on top of his back and order him to go assist. The guardian roaring would take flight watching the battle unfold waiting for an opportunity to attack. Right when he launched his attack the guardian saw it's chance and gathered the power of the sun it's wings lighting up before launching a fire breath like attack (lv Cero) hitting everything within a cone of 30 feet. Whether it hit or not she couldn't tell due to the light but nudging the lion she flew back to where Rinoa was and with a thud she landed back. The heat radiating of of the loin instantly warming those around her even slowly melting the frost underneath them.

    "Uh.. I hope that worked. Kero here is my strongest summon..." She looked down petting the lion. Then looking st the swordsman again.

    "Um.. mister? You ok? Doesn't that hurt your teeth?" As such children they have to always ask first before really reading the room.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:52 pm

    Zato didn't really have a lot of time to think as he transitioned from a potential chewtoy to a rail-gunned projectile aimed at the mouth of this mutt monster he'd been fighting. Zato took a low stance, hoping to explode as every bit of Reiatsu in his body began to condense itself into one blow. He had an attack he'd been working on, a move that he felt could deal a serious blow but he'd never used it before. Now was the time, if he succeeded he'd be defanging this monster before it got a chance to sink it's teeth into someone. If he failed..

    Well, he wouldn't have long to worry about his failures in that case.

    Zato's blades began to spin clockwise, gaining steam as his mind focused on their rotation before he found himself in range of his target.

    "Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai!"

    Zato's blades exploded outwards, hoping to slice, pry, and break every tooth out of this monsters head. Zato took an angle to avoid being swallowed, but it unfortunately mean that he'd be bouncing off the monster and onto the ground no matter how cleanly his attack landed. His body began to splatter across the asphalt, blood pooling from various injured limbs as he drew himself to his feet for whatever came next.

    (Skipping Ika and Suko for lack of anything to add)

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:35 am

    Rinoa did not possess any means to further assist Zato in his assault against Loki, nor did she possess any means to defend him from the counter attack that happened in place of him actually striking the hulking monster. Sakura had said something prior to Rinoa yeeting Zato at Loki, but Rinoa wasn't paying enough attention to know what the little girl had said. Which meant Rinoa was now oblivious to the very real fact Sakura was already capped out with her maximum potential as a fighter right now. Meaning if the battle continued any longer they would all likely die.

    Regardless she was forced to watch in basic horror as the giant hollow proceeded to paw slap Zato hard enough to skid him across the street and leave him a bloody mess. She was worried about him obviously, however not only did the man stand up which was a miracle in and of itself.. but Rinoa didn't have any means to heal him. She had once healed a bird that she found and nursed back to health using her spiritual energy, but she had never managed to do it again, let alone access enough of whatever possible power that may be to affect anything larger than the single bird. Never before had she so deeply regretted being unable to tap into her hidden potential as much as this moment.

    So she had no choice but to ignore Zato's wounded state and re-focus her attention on Loki himself. Giant Wolf that he was.

    Because she had not yet moved from the Lion's, and thus Sakura's, side. She was still currently at normal temperature rather than being cold from the hollow's aura of cold, but she knew she would not be able to leave that zone of safety without problems. To that end she decided the only thing she could do would be stall the beast until either Zato could move of his own power, or Rinoa came up with another plan, or Sakura (Whom Rinoa still didn't know the name of yet.) came up with a plan of her own.

    To achieve this Rinoa formed a blanket of darkness around Loki's wolf "face". This would immediately attempt to harm him for a cero's worth of damage, but it would also, albeit only for a moment or two, prevent him from having light reach his eyes, therefor blinding him in that manner. She could not make the attack last longer, nor could she make it stronger. So this was the only thing she could think of that may help outside of beginning to bombard him with fire attack after fire attack.

    Which would be her next plan if something didn't change at this point..

    Once she finished attempting to hit him with the blanket of blackness. She would use the opportunity to take a quick momentary glance around her, picking up two nearby cars with her telekinetic power and hurling them at Loki, roughly at the same speed a hollow would fire a cero at someone, in an attempt to throw him off balance if not outright hurt the monstrous creature. Whether or not the cars exploded would be made to be seen, but Rinoa had no way of triggering such an event herself.. She was however quickly running out of ideas.

    This was going to get extremely bad exceptionally fast if things did not change and Rinoa did not have any means to ensure that a change would occur.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:05 pm

    The wolf grunted as the two others assaulted it with fire and darkness, as the swordsman made off with some of its teeth. The combined attack definitely staggered the beast, and it recoiled backward, bruised and burned, escaping the darkness. Its eyes honed in on the swordsman who was just standing up, and bounded toward him as he was steadying himself. A quick swipe of the wolf's paw would catapult Zato quite a long way away, effectively forcing him to exit stage right. But at least he'd get to keep the teeth as a souvenir.

    He wasn't done yet, as he turned his attention to another target. The one who cloaked his face in darkness -- Fenrir howled, summoning ice spikes from the ground underneath Rinoa and Sakura's Sun Guardian in an effort to impale them. The ground beneath them would spend a moment freezing prior to ice spikes suddenly emerging from beneath their feet.

    (note: I'm assuming both can be simultaneously in range)

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:55 pm

    Sakura would hold her breath as the attack would connect (Finally) and would innerly cheer before the Big wolf would throw the strange swordsman away and turning its attention to them. She would try and reach over to grab the other lady but it was too late as the Guardian detected an attack coming towards them and would leap up in an attempt to dodge. What it didn't know was that Sakura was not properly balanced and would fall on the ice the spikes cutting her arms and legs a bit as she thankfully wasn't impaled on them. However the Sun guardian being the direct aim for the attack would eventually fail to dodge all the spikes and succumb and fade away as it returned into a card shape. Gently flowing down to the Icey ground.

    "Aaaah" Sakura would cry out the cuts looking pretty bad as well as frost would be slowly covering her now that their heat source was gone. She was in trouble but she herself was all out of gas. She didn't think she could summon anyone else with her low magical reserves. She was done for if she only knew she would of been nicer to her Foster parents... or maybe eaten before coming here so she at least had a full stomach.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Ika Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:02 am

    Ika had long since begun strolling towards the battlefield as it had become increasingly apparent that this was heading for slaughter. The 3 humans had displayed a good bit of potential, and plenty of guts to their credit but Loki was a beast well beyond their abilities and skills at this time. He slowly strolled past the girl frozen to the ground, presumably past the human who'd alluded his vision for now, and past the prone body of the samurai scraping his blood-soaked carcass off the pavement. "Hey nice showing sport, I'll be taking it from here."

    Zato, naturally, gave the man an incredulous look while raising his swords as best he could. "Hey you fucking moron, do you not see what that thing just did to us? Get out of here or you'll be dead like the rest of us, don't be a hero!"

    Zato stepped forward, attempting to grasp the man but found himself incapable of doing so as the mans spiritual pressure began to leak out. Zato was paralyzed, helpless as the man strolled past him into the waiting arms of the monster that'd all but left Zato for dead at this point. "W-who the.."

    Ika wasn't particularly interested in introducing himself for now, he knew that it'd be largely pointless and the show of force that was coming would do enough to let them know who he was. All that was left was.. well, to do it.

    "You must feel real tough tossing these humans around for sport, you know I'd ask who sent you but something tells me you nor your buddy below the ground would bother telling me. A shame really, neither of you are really worth killing given your current level of power but it's pretty clear to me you won't be leaving me a choice."

    Ika retrieved a card from his pocket, holding it in front of his face lazily as Suko leaped forth from the ground beneath his feet. Ika used Shunpo Arts, pinning the Hollows tail to the ground with his foot as he watched the scorpion flail about aimlessly. "A pretty pathetic attempt on my life but it's what I'd expect. Pity that.."

    Suko would squirm and panic, realizing the danger he was in as he quickly made the decision to cut bait, using his claw to snip his tail so that he could return underground. Even with that manuever, a card trailed behind him and severed his lower half, leaving him scrabbling through the hole in agony as Ika turned his attention back to the wolf. "Now for you.."

    If Loki had been a particularly astute observer, he would notice the flaming card reappearing in Ika's hand. What he would not notice, almost certainly, was Ika Shunpoing forwards as quickly as he could in order to remove the monsters leg in one quick slicing motion. Provided that had worked, Ika would wait for a response before determining his next course of action.

    No reason not to enjoy himself, right?

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Rena Fri Aug 02, 2024 5:46 pm

    Rinoa didn't have time to realize Sakura was falling from her own Lion summon because Loki had rebatted Zato into the pavement and then unleashed several ice objects in an attempt to lacerate the girls. She barely backstepped out of the way of an incoming ice spike herself, which cut her left cheek nice and long but was relatively shallow. Rinoa couldn't control her power beyond making it happen so she had to settle for creating a flaming tornado around her and sakura, not close enough to damage the girls themselves, but still enough to melt the ice in the immediate area around them and warm them back up for a moment before the large wolf's cold aura would once again creep in.

    She didn't get to worry about trying to do more because of Ika Mazi making his grand entrance at this point. She was applying bandages to the cuts sustained by Sakura anyways by this point, but she had felt the shinigami energy coming off Ika when he decided to get involved, though she didn't recognize his face or anything else, she thought he was a captain of Gotei because of how massive his spiritual pressure actually was, since she had been briefed slightly on their hierarchy in her capacity as Substitute Shinigami before, but given how brief her trip to Soul Society had been.. she couldn't say he was actually one of their members. Not like she'd know their history by any stretch either since that wasn't part of her job.

    However that didn't matter to her right now since he was helping.

    She was not as surprised by his speed as Sakura or Zato might be, since she already knew he was a shinigami, but the fact he had practically manhandled the hollow-thing Rinoa and Sakura had issues with earlier did prove to her how strong he was in comparison to the rest of the fighter's present. Since she wasn't needed at this point, nor could have done anything much else anyways, she focused on her current task of applying bandages and first aid to Sakura's cuts and wounds.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by Heatwave Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:52 pm

    At first it seemed like things were going his way. While there were three of the little rabbits darting around, he had the defensive capability and power to deal with them with relatively little fuss. But then, like a bestial instinct going off, a shiver went up the wolf's spine as endless bloodlust made way for an emotion he thought he had long forgotten.


    Suko was gone -- like that. Defeated by some new predator, the wolf barely had time to register that a Vasto-Lorde-class reiatsu -- at least! -- had entered the fray from seemingly nowhere, and was now immediately before his leg. And then, in an instant, the wolf's let had been cut and cauterized by a flaming playing card of all things, and the beast yelped as its balance was temporarily destroyed.

    This was it. This was the end.

    As though reality itself had felt his fear, the ground beneath the Fenrir came loose, splitting apart into the recognizable mouth-shaped chasm of the Garganta. Loki fell into it, driven by gravity, and the portal zipped itself up just as quick.

    And suddenly, it was like this beast that had wrought so much destruction had never been there in the first place.

    [[ Exit thread ]]

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:27 pm

    Sakura was in and out of conscience due to her injuries but She could roughly feel someone helping her out. Looking around she would see Rinoa and would ask in a tired voice.

    "Did we win? What's happening?" Though her question was immediately answered as she would see a lone man or something Manhandling the 2 beasts that they were having so much trouble with. Something told her in the back of her mind that this was not human like them but she wasn't sure. Her leg would shoot in pain as she tried to move and sit up to get a better view. She wished she did better. So many people died when they could have been saved if she was stronger.

    "Nee-san... can we be as strong as him?" She would point to the fight before succumbing to her exhaustion and passing out. Her pocket would faintly pulse responding to their master danger and injuries. Even when she's incapacitated it seemed her summons are very determined to help her out though there isn't much they can do yet.

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    Attack On Tokyo - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack On Tokyo

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      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:28 am