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    Ayaka goes to gather paper


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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by thunderbrood Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:41 pm

    Within the Gotei it would be a hot day with the sun (or whatever that is) shining down bright. Cries of training and Chatter would be heard throught the area as Ayaka would slowly be walking towards the 8th division Barracks looking for either the captian or her fellow Vice captian. She herself was shocked at the fact she was promoted all the way to vice captian of the first division no less. She still had trouble remembering all the names of the captians and vice captians.

    Standing right outside of the barrack she would take a second and a deep breath before composing herself and opening the sliding door to find 8th division members training. She would calmly stare at them not really knowing what to do since there were a lot more than she initially prepared for.

    On the other side the members of 8th division would just stare at unknown girl before noticing her outfit marking her a VC of the first division. Majority of them froze as they themselves didn't know what to do. Neither were they able to read any expression stating well anything. Making this an awkward stalemate.

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by Okami Shiba Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:44 pm

    It was a relatively nice day in the Seiretei in the various Divisions of the Gotei, if a bit uncharacteristically hot due to the blazing sun overhead. The Eighth was no different. There was a large group training while many others were hustling and bustling, running reports back and forth. A few squads were preparing to head into the World of the Living, some to replace those that were stationed there and others to survey the current movements of beings, both spiritual and otherwise. There was an undercurrent of tension, especially among some of the senior officers, but it was subtle enough that many wouldn't notice considering the duties of the group meant to handle external affairs.

    As Ayaka stepped in and most of the ones training stopped, staring awkwardly, one of them rushed off in a panic. After a few moments, a flare of an unfamiliar reiatsu would be felt and the man would stumble back in apologizing to someone profusely. The person that walked in after him looked to be a twenty-something wore a sleeveless shihakusho, the badge of the Lieutenant of the Eighth Division tied around his left bicep and a Zanpakuto with black wrapping at his left hip. Brushing black hair out of silver eyes and getting rid of any indication that he had been sleeping in a shady spot under a tree in one of the courtyards after getting his work done for the day, he looked around briefly before walking over.

    Looking over the white-haired Shinigami in front of him for a moment, he tried to figure out why she seemed familiar until it clicked. He'd forgotten that the First had a new Lieutenant in the chaos that had happened in recent times. Usually it was something he reveled in, but he was particularly affected by it this time. Nodding his head respectfully, he'd introduce himself, his voice a warm bass with a hint of amusement as an undercurrent. "Sorry about the odd welcome. You'd think they'd know better. I'm Okami Shiba."

    At the words of their Lieutenant, the others in the room stiffened slightly and got back to training, cold sweat running down their faces. What wasn't stated, however, was WHAT they should have known better. Was it not to stare and make the new officer uncomfortable, or was it not to wake their own commanding officer up from one of his hard-earned moments of relaxation?

    The answer was both, but ultimately it didn't matter. Both had been done, and they'd pay for it later.

    Posts : 37
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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by thunderbrood Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:34 pm

    Seeing the younger ones continue to stare while one of them rushing off to grab someone Ayaka would just continue to stand awkwardly if all meets were like this maybe she wasn't right for the job. At the thought she would feel a Reiatsu of someone much stronger than her she could tell that easily which also made her second guess on if she was fit for the job. She would stare at the vice captain approaching his stance showing confidence and leadership something she lacked. She would give a short bow before replying.

    "Hello Shiba-san I apologize for the abrupt visit but i am missing a couple of documents from your department and i was wondering if i would be able to procure them.." She would ask blankly no giving much emotion though her inner turmoil continuing to plague her. As she would hand Shiba a clipboard with the missing documents noted on the sheet in front.

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by Okami Shiba Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:39 am

    Smiling lightly, Okami resisted the urge to shake his head as the new Lieutenant bowed to him. They were the same rank, so much of the pomp and ceremony could be ignored in his opinion. Hell, he ignored it most of the time anyway. Once she'd stood up and started speaking the black-haired man cocked his head slightly, light glinting off a pair of earrings made up of silver chains no longer than maybe an inch. Accepting the clipboard, the smile slipped from his face and became a look of professionalism as he looked over what he'd apparently missed.

    After a moment, he nodded and handed the list back to the girl - Ayaka Kamisato, he'd remembered from the short announcement that had been sent out - and sighed briefly. "My apologies, Kamisato-san. The search for both our previous Captain-Commanders has everyone's nerves on edge at the moment, and some things must have fallen through the cracks. Everything should be tucked away at my desk. Please, follow me."

    Turning and taking a couple of steps, however, the Lieutenant of the Eighth turned towards the other Shinigami in the room and made a declaration. "By the way, the next time that you fools make a guest uncomfortable like that, I'll personally make sure that you all get assigned to joint training with the Fifth!"

    As the men began training even harder, some even turning pale white at the threat, Okami began walking towards the alcove he maintained for his own paperwork just outside the Captain's office. As he walked, he turned back to Ayaka with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that, too. I've tried my best, but sometimes they just need tough love or else they'll never learn!"

    Once they got to their location, he opened a filing cabinet for a moment, digging through it briefly before pulling out the reports that were needed. One was a summary about how they were using their budget, and the other was something or another about a scuffle a month back between a Shinigami from his Division and someone from the Seventh out in the Rukongai for making a public disturbance. Okami hadn't been happy about that one, and he'd come back to find that he'd been demoted with his pay docked. "There we go! That should be everything from there."

    Leaning on the edge of his desk in a relaxed position, he'd look over at his new coworker with an easy grin and a sparkle in his eye. "So, how have you been handling the promotion? Everything you were hoping it was?"

    Posts : 37
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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by thunderbrood Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:45 am

    Ayaka would stare at the Vice Captain of the 8th division and start to wonder how long he's been working as said Vice. As he spoke she would nod in agreement.
    "Its OK Shiba-San I'm just catching up from... well everything."

    As watch as he would berate his division and warning them with training with the fifth she would frown slightly. She didn't mean for them to get in trouble and she wasn't really uncomfortable because of them. It was due to her own lack of confidence within her roll of Vice Captain.

    While her mind was talking with herself she didn't realize her reiatsu would spill a little making the hot scorching day suddenly feel 20 degrees cooler. Those training and drenched in sweat would feel the cold blast instantly cool their sweat making it feel refreshed albeit a bit chilly as well. The frown the others members noticing causing them to internally panic. They were going to eat their mistake from their Vice and now they also pissed off the Vice Captain of the first division. They were fucked. Though of course Ayaka has no idea this is going on. Though as quickly as the cold came it disappeared and heat once again ravished their training body as they continued to work.

    "Its alright Shiba-San I'm sure they didn't mean any bad will. Again I arrived unannounced so again I do apologies."

    As they continued to head to the paperwork room where Shiba would fish out the desired paperwork and with Ayaka checking them over she would nod in satisfaction. One job done now a dozen more to go....

    Ayaka would stare at Shiba as he spoke before answering with a sigh.
    "Its not what I expected. I was a trainee a year. Then on division 4 before getting picked by Captain Tina-san. And I'm not sure what to expect. I feel there were better shinigami to pick from."

    She would say bringing the clipboard up to her face hiding her embarrassment and lack of confidence. Like anyone else could have been a better Vice than she would ever be. She wanted to give her all since Tina was relying on her but again it was hard. Especially the stares in her own division most being envy as one of them should have been promoted not some nobody.

    "But I will do my best to fill in the role she has given me. So far... it's been ok?" There was clearly more to that as she wouldn't meet his sparkly eyes.

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by Okami Shiba Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:37 am

    The burst of reiatsu from the younger Shinigami was a rather refreshing thing on a hot day like today, although Okami could be considered biased since winter was a favorite of his. Chuckling and waving off her apologies at the unannounced arrival, he continued on to get her the paperwork in question. Listening to Ayaka's concerns, watching as she hid her face away with a clipboard and refused to meet his eyes, it reminded him far too much of the newer recruits in his own Division. So, she'd been one of those that managed to graduate from the Shin'o Academy early, then, and worked in the Fourth before being tapped for Lieutenant? Humming a moment in understanding, he shook his head with the same smile. "You know, the Academy is meant to last for six years, right? Graduating in a year is something only a handful can brag to have done, and it's been a couple centuries since the last one joined the club."

    Reaching out and flicking Ayaka's clipboard just hard enough to make noise, but not so hard as to break it, the Shiba continued with a warm tone. "If I had to guess, the Captain-Commander chose you over them for a few reasons. What I've felt of your reiatsu would be sufficient if nothing else, but in the end she's likely betting on your potential more than anything else. Most of the others in the Gotei fall into a routine. They refuse to grow, and grow stagnant and set in their ways. New blood is needed to allow for us to do our duties as time goes on. That said, I'm sure that's not everything on your mind, is it?"

    The smile turned a bit wry as the noble chuckled. "I've been around for over eight hundred years, even if I don't look like it, and I've been in this position for a long time. I can tell when someone's not doing so hot. So, need an ear to listen?"

    Posts : 37
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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by thunderbrood Sat Jul 20, 2024 5:20 pm

    Ayaka would get smacked in the nose slightly before blushing at his words. She was found out that quickly huh. She didn't want to bother him with her problems but with how open and warm he's being she just couldn't stop herself.

    "Its.. just watching you instruct your Division makes me worried for mine. I know i don't fully have the skills yet to be in the leadership role and i think people resent me for it. I don't know what to do."

    A breeze of cold would wash the room as her emotions would show a bit. She was concerned for her fellow division members especially since she didn't want them to get in trouble for her incompetence. She would shake her head out of the thought and went back to controlling her reitsu.

    "I'm sorry i should get going you were on your break and i interrupted that. Would.. We be able to talk later?" She would shyly ask hugging the clipboard as she didn't know what else to do. There was also the fact that her captain might get upset at her if she was late.

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by Okami Shiba Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:19 pm

    At the response, he really just couldn't help it. Okami let out a bout of laughter that was free of cruelty, just filled with good humor. Ignoring the rush of cold running through his office aside from goosebumps raising along his exposed arms for a moment, he began to speak again, full of understanding. He'd lived it, after all, as had just about every Lieutenant that had graced the Gotei. "Don't worry too much about it. We all feel that way at some point. You were transferred to a new Division and given new duties. It just takes time to get used to them. If anyone gives you any trouble over it, just remember that none of them fit all the criteria that your Captain was looking for, and you did."

    With Ayaka's realization of the time however, he waved away her apology. "No worries about the break. With how busy things have been recently, I was honestly surprised I had the time to laze around a bit before anything else happened. I'd also be more than happy to talk any time you need!"

    The Shiba was being totally honest with that statement, too. It had been several weeks of on and off all-nighters, coordination, and searches. Not the best of times, so he figured he'd just get his relaxation and time off when he could.

    Posts : 37
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    Ayaka goes to gather paper  Empty Re: Ayaka goes to gather paper

    Post by thunderbrood Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:50 pm

    Ayaka would give a small bow before excusing herself out Noting in her head to make some time to talk with him again. She herself had more work that needed to be done especially with all this Paper hunting she needed to get done.

    As she left the 8th division would give her a look studying the new VC not really sure what to think of her. She is very much more powerful than they were but she seems so small and timid. It was interesting on how she became VC to the Captain Commander. But hey there was probably a story they could ask their own Vice later down the line.

    As Ayaka would return back to the 1st division her own members would give her some side eye as she rushed into her own office and shut the door behind her quickly. The stares were hurtful but not as bad as it was before the talk. Maybe it will just take time like he said only time will tell. Sighing she would sit back down and resume her documentation once again another all nighter will have to suffice for her to catch up to all of this mess. But the break was a good change of pace.

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