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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time


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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by thunderbrood Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:32 am

    It was a cool night. The city bussing as usual people moving with purpose except for one individual. Ayaka was unfamiliar with the real world. She had no recollection of her past when she was alive nor did she really care too much. Wearing a simple gigai she would be strolling in what she thought were casual clothing but what she didn't know was it was a highschool uniform get up. It looks like someone in her division hearing that she would be leaving for a patrol in the real world set her up for some embarrassment since they can't touch her much due to their captain.

    Though she thought nothing of it unfamiliar with the casual looks and oogle she got from the guys who didn't know any better. A group of boys would try and hit on her but she didn't pay any attention. She didn't even know they were speaking with her until they grabbed her shoulder and forcefully stopped her.

    "Um excuse me but could you please unhand me I must get moving." She would just stare at the group with an expressionless face.

    The emotionless face off put the group in question but in their minds *hey game is game* and they continued to do small talk as well as try to get her to join them for their excursion.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Makishima Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:37 am

    Kiyoko was simply enjoying another peaceful morning, a casual stroll through her neighbourhood. While her role in the clan had taken a back seat, from time-to-time Touma requested she take a patrol to remind the community who ran this place. It was easy enough; she was a walking billboard for the Yakuza. She had opted for a sleeveless top, exposing the colourful tattoos that spanned her skin.

    Her stroll came to an end when she came across a group of delinquents and an isolated young woman. She slowed her pace and took to monitoring the situation a moment, just to confirm what she was seeing.

    “She said she was busy.” The blonde spoke up, adjusting her tinted aviators. “What do you say boys? Why don't you just walk away.” Tempest smiled confidently while striding forward, closing the distance a step at a time. The locals were likely to know of her, or at the very least that those tattoos weren’t for show. For Ayaka, this human posed something of an oddity. The spiritual pressure she was so casually wielding exceeded even the shinigami’s own, which was concerning on its own. It was unlikely that any hollows nearby could ignore such a blatant meal.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Alysstrasza Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:28 pm

    Suddenly, a yellow labourghini, in the middle of the street, screeched to a halt and formed skid marks behind it like it was caught by surprise, and out of the back seat stepped Avon de Grey. He was well known amongst the humans for publicly being a white knight crusader for justice and peace, having previously served in wars and as a district attorney, while also being extremely powerful in the dark network. His wealth exceeded even public knowledge, and he was very public about it. What confused people was how he looked no more than 21 at such an old age, since by all accounts he was currently 83.

    The public rumor was that he was researching cloning technology behind closed, or had a kid that looked exactly like him, but the reality of it was a secret known only to a select few. Avon, long long ago, realized he couldn't die, and has simply spent his time wisely, building his fortune over the span of centuries, nearing millenia. He had his hands dipped inside of countless jars, and was always dealing in the dark network with connections that don't make sense and leverage that would make most senators blush.

    He was publicly and privately two very different people, and Tempest, being who she is, would probably be curious to see which one was about to be presented to her given her status and connections. On the other hand, Ayaka, who very likely had no idea who Avon was unless she'd read a magazine, would sense something.... off, about Avon, that Tempest would have no idea about.

    Due to Avon's immortality, his reiatsu was slightly different, as if decaf instead of normal coffee, or skim milk instead of milk, or some such; normal humans were unable to detect it, but Shinigami, even in their Gigai, would recognize that he feels 'wrong' somehow, almost like he's already a ghost but still has physical form, like he's a walking paradox, approaching her from the backseat of a sleek-looking yellow box she likely wouldn't recognize.

    "Hello Ladies," he said, waving to his driver who drove off to park the car somewhere and await his message. Avon finished a text he was writing and put his phone away inside the pocket of the blue jacket he was wearing. He didn't have his headband on, but also wasn't publicly known for wearing it, as he only put it on when he was in a fight. Of the men who had been harassing Ayaka, two of them began to cower in fear while one tried to step up and mug Avon on the spot for all his cash.

    He pulled out a knife, which was made of some kind of metal, but looked like it was from a mallstore knockoff, like it was made for display rather than use. He thrusted it at Avon a few times, and muttered something about handing over his wallet, but Avon realized he had a choice to make. He recognized Tempest for who she was by now, given that she was wearing a sleeveless tanktop with all of her tattoos visible, but did not recognize the other girl. He could either be the cop or the criminal and neither would likely surprise Tempest, but for the sake of Ayaka whom he did not recognize, Avon was not willing to comprimise his integrity and decided to do nothing at all.

    The man continued to approach, despite his confusion, while his companions were cowering in fear, until he realized that Avon wasn't even paying attention to him. As the man, who was now enraged, stepped forward to make a move on Avon, his two buddies jumped on the opportunity to knock him out and knock the knife out of his hands, kick it away, and pick him up and run the hell away shouting that they were sorry. Avon continued not paying attention to them, going so far as to smile when the noise stopped, as he awaited the reply of the ladies.

    Despite Tempest, and her relative fame in the underworld, his attention was more fixated on Ayaka, as he was trying to determine her age. Was she truly a high school girl? She looked like an adult, but the rate of maturity had been increasing lately, and thusly couldn't tell.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by thunderbrood Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:48 pm

    Seeing that she was attracting a weird crowd she sighed and was about to just push past the dilequents before a blond girl spoke up for her intervening.

    Though that wasn't what made her pause or halt at all. Her reitsu was... strong even stronger than hers. Great even humans were stronger than her. What did Tina see in her that she clearly doesn't have. But that did raise another issue. With reitsu like this hollows would be all over us in a snap even with a gigai her reitsu is leaking a bit too making this a prime area for hollows to meal for they needed to get moving.

    Aaaaaand that goes out the window as this strange man comes out of a what she assumed a fancy car. And proceeds to beat the goons before approaching the 2 of them. What is it with these humans and their weird reitsu. Even this one was strange. Like someone that should have crossed over years ago but still has a physical form.... interesting. She's glad she took this assignment.

    "Um.. thank you both for the assistance... but uh.. may I ask for both of your names?"

    She would ask studying the two intensely. She might not be the best but if these two humans were deviants or out of the norm her captain will want to hear about them. She has to gather as much information as possible now.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Makishima Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:59 am

    Kiyiko huffs as some rich boy decided to show up and steal her thunder. Well, in the end the girl was safe, and those kids got a scare. Didn’t really matter to her how they learned, so long as they did. It was quite the show at least, they were getting the whole experience as Avon handled the few ruffians that hadn’t already escaped when the recognition set in.

    She approached in the aftermath, responding to the heroic display with a very impressed whistle and appropriately condescending clap. “The name’s Kiyoko Arai” She offered a curt bow of her head in the girl’s direction. “Not the nicest part of town, you lost kid?” Being as knowledgeable as she was on the streets around Tokyo, Kiyoko was certain that uniform didn’t belong around here. She’d spent enough time cooped up out of sight in her youth to recognize them.

    Seeing as Avon was focused on the strange girl, Tempest took the opportunity to retrieve a fresh cigarette which she lit with a swiftly conjured spark from her finger. She took a hearty lungful as she peered around the area. No signs of trouble, and no sirens either so they were in the clear for now at least.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Alysstrasza Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:08 pm

    Avon could tell by now that with the amount of Spiritual Pressure that Tempest had and was flaunting around without a care in the world that she was likely going to attracted a Hollow or two to them eventually, given that it was a cool night and they seemed to be more active at night for some reason, but also realized simultaneously that Tempest had more than enough power to manage anything she inadvertently summoned. The woman was clearly more powerful than Avon was, but he wasn't intimidated in the slightest; being immortal, and aware of that fact, he simply didn't think she could accomplish anything that would severely wound or disfigure him. That is to say, Avon did not think Tempest was capable of stopping him from doing anything he wanted to do, so he did not consider her a threat.

    Due to his lifespan and lifestyle, Avon very rarely found himself in situations that he didn't have at least one upper hand in. While he may know Tempest as being the second heir to a Yakuza fortune, she didn't seem to know who he was or was at least acting nonchalant about his appearance.

    Then the girl asked for his name. Well, technically, she asked for their names, referring to both Avon and Tempest, but it was the act of asking Avon his own name which slightly seemed to break him.

    His arms fell to his side, his face shadowed over, and both girls would hear him mutter something about someone being fired before he perked back up and slid on over to the nameless girl. He carefully maneuvered his body to make sure the sword he carried on his back didn't bump into either girl, and made sure that the gun was on the hip furthest from her, as he extended a single hand.

    "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Avon de Grey." He expected that to be enough to catch her on to who he was, but after a brief moment of her not showcasing her newfound awe and shock at him caused him to double down awkwardly. "M-my face is on bilboards. I'm in magazines. I'm..... kind of a big deal?" If she still didn't know who he was, he could look dejected and defeated, slumped over lazily while muttering again. "Are you even from around here, kid?" In an attempt to change the subject so he didn't appear so pitiful, he turned his attention entirely unto Tempest, sliding on over to her in the same suave manner, winking softly. "Got a spare? I'm out at the moment."

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Mei Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:04 am

    Mr. Avon wanted to go out, so Mr. Avon was going to go wherever he wanted without having to lift a finger. What better way to travel than with the utmost style? Mr. Avon didn’t deserve anything less than the staple of his riches. A bright, attractive, yellow Lamborghini was the pick of the day. As all good Maidens do, Mei would open the door for her employer and close it behind him as he entered the vehicle. Of course, she was no ordinary maid and the laws of the streets seemed minuscule in comparison to her mission. So, she would simply drive fast and efficiently as always. Wherever he directed her to go she would go, even with last second drifts and stops. One such stop would happen suddenly and with loud, screeching tires. When Mr. Avon said to stop, she would stop on a dime, which he usually didn’t seem to mind. Efficiency was key.

    A younger girl and a familiar face were present on the side of the street surrounded by vulgar men. Well, they smelled vulgar anyway. If they weren’t gone by the time she parked the car and returned, she would have them cleaned up. Hell, if she suspected that they even dared attempted to touch Mr. Avon, she would have them dispatched before dinner was to be set out on the table. With squinting eyes peering through her large, circular glasses, Mei would step on the gas and race off to find a nearby parking spot. She wouldn’t have to go far. A parking garage at the end of the street and an open place to park near the exit were enough for her. Pressing the button on the keys to lock the door, the maiden would take off down the road toward the group. By the time she arrived, the scum were gone and a knife lay on the ground just mere feet from him.

    A steady hand and a handkerchief would grasp the knife and tuck it away in one of her pockets to be examined later. She would find his identity and she would be sure to clean his filth from these streets. She could hear Mr. Avon was distraught trying to explain who he was, but these girls didn’t seem to know a thing about him. How strange. As Tempest lit a cigarette, she could hear her employer asking to be given one. A slight gasp and a sprint to his side would suggest she had something for him. From one of her clean, maidenly pockets, she would produce a decorative, adorned in gems box that she would pop open revealing premium cigarettes crafted just for Mr. Avon. ”Please, sir, have one of these instead. They’ll be more to your taste. You should be more careful what you take from others,” Mei would speak in a calm, yet stern tone. It was as if she were chastising him, but also respecting that he could make his own decisions should he so wish.

    Her eyes would shift to the other two girls, ”Mr. Avon de Grey is the most important man in this city. Please, do well to remember so. As for me, I introduce myself as a humble Maiden.” As truthful as this was, it wasn’t necessarily complete.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:49 pm

    As the group would converse with each other what the 3 of them would eventually notice is Ayaka with a small notebook writing down things. The cover of the notebook was a black shade with 2 words written on it. Death Note. A strange notebook she would be writing on and for those who would look to see.

    *Kiyoko Arai stronger than expected must be studied need to figure out why.*
    *Avon de Gray a strange man like person who gives off strange vibes as if hes a ghost also the most important man in the city. Must find out why.*
    *Humble Maiden (Was left blank at the moment)*

    After writing everything down she would close the notebook and tuck the book in her breast pocket and look at the 3 with quizzing looks.
    "So... um thank you for the help.. and um... Sorry that i don't know who you are. I shall try to remember."

    She would take a small bow for gratitude but as she did a chill breeze would blow through the area dousing the lit cigs. If they tried to relight it they would find the sparks not able to light said fire. A bit of frost would cover any water spots around the area slowly freezing the top.

    "Um.. those aren't very good for your health.. its probably best to quit. Is what my Captain told me." What the 3 of them didn't know was she used her own ability to kill the fire and the smoke. She didn't like the smell even in her division and she had cut everyone off of smoking. Something about it just bugged her a lot. Possibly with her previous life but it was impossible to tell.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Makishima Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:39 am

    Kiyoko took note of the notebook… was she a cop? That’d be weird, not that she had done anything wrong so far there wasn’t anything to worry about. Still, it brought to question what exactly the strange girl was writing about. Clearly, she wasn’t from around here, but that didn’t give Kiyoko any real leads towards what she was doing in a place like this.

    While she was about to make a snarky comment about Avon being able to afford his own smokes, Kiyoko was confronted by the sudden appearance of a traitor. “Hey, these aren’t cheap! Plenty good enough.” She huffed, going to take a drag only to find that her cigarette had actually frozen over. Tempest hadn’t ordered a cold front today… Immediately frustrated at the lack of spark she put a little of her own power to summon a literal lightning bolt from above to neatly blast away the frost and reignite her cancer stick.

    “I’m not looking to live forever.” Kiyoko puffed away indignantly, shielded from further shenanigans with a breeze she called down herself, though this did vent the smoke away from Ayaka as a sort of silent truce on the matter. “Wait, Captain? I think we’re going to need some explanation here… Who are you?” Kiyoko was quick to cut to the point, but she wasn’t one for subtlety.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Alysstrasza Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:31 pm

    Ayaka had pulled out a notebook without Avon noticing, which was admittedly impressive because he'd only looked away for a brief moment, and had apparently been writing details in it. Avon didn't fret much, as he'd met many a man with poor memory who wrote things down so they didn't forget. He didn't make any attempt to read the contents as he didn't quite care what they were, taking the cigarette from Maiden and allowing her to light it for him.

    With far longer than them to have practiced, Avon inhaled deeply and sucked half the cigarette down in a single breath. Tempest, who if Avon remembered correctly was actually named Kiyoko Arai, had commented on her cigarettes being plenty expensive, and suddenly both of their cigarettes went out entirely with Ayaka commenting on how cigarettes were bad for their health and that they should quit, and how her Captain had told her so.

    Tempest commented almost immediately that she wasn't looking to live forever, having relit her cigarette with a literal bolt of lightning from the heavens, as if god himself had said "I got this one bro, no worries". She took the honor of asking who Ayaka actually was, since up until now they hadn't actually named herself.

    Avon crossed his arms and leaned back. Whether or not Maiden attempted to relight his cigarette, and thought long and hard about why the term 'Captain' didn't sit right with Avon.

    He'd lived a long life. He'd encountered a very sizeable amount of people, and had connections that even he was starting to wonder if he was losing track of. But he knew all of the local military forces like the back of his hand, and knew that she wasn't one of them, unless she was absolutely brand new... but that was unlikely. Was she a foreign spy? An American, undercover, to learn more about Japan and/or Avon himself? Was she here to gather information, form connections, or some other malicious reason? Or was it more harmless? It sounded so certain, so firm, like it was an unwavering loyalty she held deep in her heart. Who was this mysterious captain, what was his claim to power?

    He wasn't sure how long had passed, or whether or not he was being stared at or if they were talking or anything else, but his phone buzzed and he pulled it out, pressing a few buttons before putting it away, turning his attention back to Ayaka, hoping he hadn't missed her name yet. If he had, maybe Maiden hadn't!....?

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Mei Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:33 pm

    Mei had been so focused on Mr. Avon that she hadn’t even noticed the younger girl pulling out a notebook. She could hear the scratching of a writing utensil on paper, but her attention was solely focused on lighting the cigarette she had given to her employer. Closing the box after replacing the matching lighter, Maiden’s eyes would look toward the mysterious girl and settle on the book in her hand. The smell of smoke wafting through the air didn’t seem to bother her any, but the sight of that book would shake her to the core. She knew what that was. She had seen it on her phone before. Her only sense of joy and self had been expressed through watching anime on her phone, especially while she was cleaning. Who didn’t want some good background noise when they were working? In any case, she was familiar with the concept of a “Death Note” and immediately went to lash out at the individual before them.

    ”Hey! What’s your deal?! Aren’t you aware of the concept of a Death Note?! And the fact you’re writing in it so freely and openly in front of us! The person whose name you write in a Death Note will die within 40 seconds of writing it down, unless you specify the cause of death. I highly doubt you did so, since it was a fairly quick write… but that’s not the point! Are you trying to kill Mr. Avon?!” Her stern, raised voice was proof that Mei was becoming quite agitated at the situation. She wouldn’t let anyone dare lay a finger on Mr. Avon. If they even dared to try, she would end their miserable existence. However, what was even more vexing was the filthy ice that coated everything around them, including Mr. Avon’s cigarette. Who was this woman to try and scold people for their own habits? It wasn’t her health to begin with.

    Seeing that this ice was so dirty and disgusting in her eyes, Maiden would simply have to “clean” it all up. With a simple wave of her hand, the ice would disappear from anywhere around Mr. Avon, leaving a very capable Tempest to deal with her own issues. With a swiftness, Mei would relight the smoke and glare at the girl, who would answer the question completely with every detail, if she knew what was good for her. ”I suggest you don’t try that again,” Maiden would mumble as she pulled out her phone, passively listening to the conversation. If anything, she needed to wait until they had more information on this girl. What sort of issue were they dealing with? What would the scale be if this girl were to go “missing”? Speaking of missing… With a few taps on the screen, it seemed that someone would instantly pull up to their location. Mei would wander over to the vehicle that had arrived, whisper something to the individuals inside, hand over the knife in her pocket, and wave them off. What was that about?

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by thunderbrood Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:02 pm

    Ayaka would blink as she was bombarded by questions, comments and hate from everyone. Though she tired to answer them one by one. Though what the most curious thing was that one of them was able to summon Lightning! and the other cleaned up her frost. Which mind you she was also confused by too. It felt like her energy but her energy should be nonexisted due to the gigai. Something was wrong.

    "Uh Um... Sorry my name is Ayaka.. I'm i do not know what you mean by people dying within 40 seconds. This was just a notebook i was given.. Standard issue ones. and killing is bad. Captain would like me interfering with anyone's business here. I have yet to see anyone to send back to which was also in the Intro guide i was tasked to read... Maybe this is too much information."

    She made a mental note to write everything she witnessed here but not do it now since apparently it was going to kill people? She was highly confused but hey they live in different worlds after all. What would be very strange to the 3 of them was how emotionless her face would be yet have a nervous voice as if this was her first time out in the field of sorts. But at the same time she's in a high school uniform. Things were Definingly not matching up properly. Even for her. This will be a strange report to go back on.

    "Um.. I have to go... I think i said too much here. Don't worry though my Captain will tell me what to do when i come back next time." She would say in a cheerful tone again with no expression before taking a small bow and trying to make her way past them.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Makishima Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:20 am

    Kiyoko just shook her head at the Maiden’s antics, “The Death Note isn’t real. You don't think they really have Shinigami running around after magic books do you, ‘Maiden’?” She countered playfully, only to attempt to stop the fleeing Ayaka by placing a firm hand on her shoulder as she passed. “Where do you think you’re going? I want to know more about this Captain of yours.” Her tone still sounded playful, despite taking a more threatening lean. As if the clouds were darkening above them.

    “After all, you owe us one!” Kiyoko nodded, releasing the girl assuming she hadn’t managed to slip free anyway. “Though, if you -are- a cop, you probably should leave.” Tempest wasn’t all too sure if there was anyone actively about this time of day, but this wasn’t exactly a nice place for a newbie policewoman running around alone.

    “What do you say?” The scene lightened with the strange woman’s shift in tone while she pushed her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. Kiyoko wasn’t exactly sure what interrogating Ayaka would achieve, but there was certainly something strange that needed to be explained here. With her warnings out of the way, she left the rest to decide what to do.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:47 pm

    Avon was confused why Maiden had freaked out about the girl somehow murdering people with a 'Death Note'. Avon decided that Maiden was probably watching too much anime, and decided to limit her to 6 hours a day instead of 12. Regardless, the girl finally introduced herself as Ayaka, showed the same confusion Avon had hidden regarding what Maiden was talking about, and mentioned a confusing phrase regarding seeing anyone to send back to in the Intro Guide she'd been tasked to read. Then she abruptly tried to leave, worrying that she'd said too much already.

    Tempest interjected with how the Death Note isn't real, and stopped the fleeing Ayaka with a very nearly threatening comment, though finishing with an out through being-a-cop. Avon wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by though, as something interesting had just happened, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face as he walked closed to Ayaka. It wasn't a sinister smile of any sorts, but more of a freudian slip of a genuine smile creeping across his lips.

    "Miss Ayaka, I know all of the Police Officers in this town; I don't mean that to be intimidating, but I'm fairly sure you aren't one of them is my point. I'm willing to accept that you're very likely a member of some sort of club at your High School, but you've said something that piqued my interest. May I please see this Intro Guide of yours?" He was using his most charming voice, the one that he usually reserved for the President, Minister, or some other High Office Public Official. He gave her the same out Tempest had offered, while using his own experience to decline the Police option as it didn't make sense to Avon, and then dropped his bombshell of a question regarding the Intro Guide.

    Avon eyeballed the girl now that he was closer. He couldn't sense it before, but something about her energy didn't feel.... human. Tempest felt Human, despite having the ability to call Lightning from the sky; Maiden felt Human, despite being able to control Dust; but Ayaka.... did not. Avon couldn't quite place it though; like a painting that you knew was fake but didn't know why you knew so. She was blank, emotionless almost, so was either very new to social situations, was very socially awkward, or had some other difficulties in her personal life. He was scrutinizing her, though, considering every detail about her that he could confirm with what she had said and what else he could confirm.

    So far, Avon had come to a few conclusions he hadn't shared with the others yet. Her name, Ayaka, seemed Japanese, which fit her appearance. The likelihood of it being a pseudonym was low, and the fact that she didn't give a surname with her own name increases the chances of it being her real name. With less information to go off of, there was less to look her up, which meant that Ayaka was in fact most likely her real name. Second, her High School uniform was missing an obvious key detail that a real High School girl would never be seen without when in her uniform. Ayaka had no backpack or purse to contain her belongings, and was simply carrying them around with her at the moment. A real High School student would have something to carry their things in on the daily, and were very very used to carrying them around, and would probably rather use their backpack or purse rather than just carry around a notebook and pen.

    Third, Ayaka was not Human. Avon had lived a very, very long life, and could say that with certainty. He just couldn't be sure of what she was. It wasn't Hollow, that much was sure; and it didn't seem like a Quincy either. It seemed almost alien in nature, but it was entirely masked by something else, something completely and obviously human. Almost obnoxiously so. She wasn't like him, not at all; she was something entirely different. It almost seemed familiar, but Avon couldn't place it. The mask covering it was too strong, and was just potent enough that Avon couldn't catch a whif of the real thing and try to isolate it.

    Despite Ayaka being literally one inch shorter than Avon when they were both standing tall, Avon crouched and looked up to her, in an attempt to appear less intimidating and seem smaller than he was. He smiled again, and held his hand out towards her, hoping that she'd place the supposed Intro Guide into his hand and he'd get his answers.

    "I promise we mean you no harm, Ayaka. Tempest over there can control Lightning, but she wouldn't use it on you; Maiden just cleans things really well, don't even worry about her. And I'm just, honestly, a regular bloke." He was lying through his teeth even though it was completely true. He knew damn well he was infallibly immortal, he just didn't know why, and hadn't been able to figure it out yet, but otherwise was truly a regular bloke. "We just want to be your friends. Honestly." Avon wasn't lying this time, and his sincerity was palpable.

    Truthfully, Avon had originally stopped because it was rare to see someone so young with pure white hair, and he wanted to learn more. He hadn't even noticed the High School girl outfit, and simply focused on her white hair being rare for Humans, before he got out of his car and the delinquents dealt with themselves. He did want to learn more about her, and he wasn't lying about wanting to be friends with her, but he had his own facts and logic he was working with. He'd just had a very, very long time to build a poker face, and he wasn't about to fold any time soon.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

    Post by Mei Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:08 am

    Mei would look at Kiyoko with a light blush showing across her cheeks. It was very rare that anyone would be able to see such an expression from her, but being told it wasn’t real made her feel awfully silly. How did she know?! ”Well, considering I can control dust and you do what you do, it’s not far fetched that someone could potentially have that power,” Mei would say crossing her arms in front of her as she tilted her head up and away from Tempest in a pouting motion. How could she make Maiden look like an idiot in front of Mr. Avon? She was supposed to be his trusted Maid. How could he trust her with these silly notions being made in front of him? She just hoped this didn’t affect her watch time. In any case, Maiden would peak out of the corner of her eye as the girl introduced herself as Ayaka. With phone in hand, Mei would make her own notes and even go so far as to snap a picture of her before attaching it to the file on her app. The notes would read “Ayaka, strange individual, abnormal aura, dodgy, and keeps mentioning a higher authority being”. As she did this, it seemed their new acquaintance was trying to make an escape.

    With one hand typing away, Mei would raise her fingers into a sort of finger gun position, but wouldn’t deploy any sort of techniques just yet. Kiyoko stopped her by the shoulder and Mr. Avon seemed to have something up his sleeve. So, the woman would simply leave her fingers up for the moment, so long as Mr. Avon didn’t tell her to put them down. He was attempting to charm her with words and empathy. With his many years experience, he was incredibly well versed in speaking with others, especially for his business practices. There was a reason he was so successful. He promised they wouldn’t hurt her, which would convince Maiden to bring her fingers down to her side. ”It’s true. I do clean up very well,” Mei would agree, glancing over at Tempest with a smirk. It was obvious she had a different idea of cleaning in mind.

    However, she wasn’t really convinced that she wanted to be this girl’s friend. What was Mr. Avon trying to do here? Was he just tricking her? Either way, she would do what he said without hesitation. If he wanted Maiden to befriend her, well she would do her best. ”I apologize for my behavior. I am simply trying to protect Mr. Avon. It’s nothing personal. You seem quite different than anyone we’ve ever seen before, but we’re not quite sure why that is. I’m sure you can understand being cautious of the unknown, right?” Mei would speak in a calm, clear tone as she twisted her phone around in her fingers. Perhaps, this girl could relate to their stubbornness and would even feel that she could trust them enough to give them some kind of information, even if just a little.

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    Ayaka explores the real world for the first time Empty Re: Ayaka explores the real world for the first time

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