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    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble)


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) Empty Schala (KIdou Corp Noble)

    Post by Rena Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:13 pm

    Name: Schala
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Schala is a paragon of light, hope, justice, and shiny happy things. The entire universe plays music you can hear and it's beauty is found everywhere you look, at least that's what she believes. Whether or not she can actually hear this music is debatable. She is kind to a fault, though not naive, and will at least try to assist someone even if they mean her harm in the long run. She would rather be on the front line of a battle herself and taking all the danger unto herself than send someone else to do her job for her. She dislikes using her full power no matter how necessary it is, but won't go so far as to endanger herself to uphold this pacifism. If she is actually threatened she will fight back.

    Her intellect, while not lacking, is not her greatest friend. She is average and while this isn't a detriment to her in combat, it certainly doesn't do her any favors. She can make plans but isn't exactly a pro strategist. Falling easily into others traps more often than not herself. She is a determined soul and will not give up even if it seems all is lost. To that said she won't commit what she would consider to be a suicide attack or attempt. If the fight is lost she will attempt to save her own skin rather than die heroically. As long as it's only her skin on the line. If others are involved she will die to protect them first.

    Height: 5'0''
    Weight: 107 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) JFyvDGG

    History: She is a noble, of the highest purity and order, of such amazing lineage that she is just better than you. You will be reminded of this repeatedly.
    Side Notes: N/A

    General Fighting Style:  Schala specializes in using her spiritual energy and her knowledge of Kidou to fight mid to long ranged against opponents. She can fight in melee, if absolutely needed, but she is much more at home using her abilities rather than her physical body. She entirely slacked off in training for both Hakuda and Zanjutsu, while this doesn't mean she "Can't" fight with those styles, it does mean she's clearly no master at either of them.

    Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Kaido, Kidou
    Weaknesses: Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Speed

    Ability Name: Divine Spark
    Ability Description: While the user is still capable of running out of normal means of continuing to fight, such as lack of reiryoku or physical stamina, they can instead use divine energy to fight. However this only applies to any of her skills labelled as "Divine". It does not mean she can freely spam kidou at no cost, nor does it apply to any other activity she can perform.

    Ability Name: Divine Aura
    Ability Description: Normal spiritual pressure relies on the difference in power between the user and the affected target(s). This however applies supernaturally dense and almost sacred levels of spiritual pressure to the area around the user which then applies it's effects to any target regardless of the difference between their spiritual energy and this user. This does not mean they automatically lose consciousness or anything drastic (Some might fall to a knee, who knows.), it just performs the normal spiritual pressure shenanigans at their peak to any target of the user. It would also give anyone who senses the user the false impression of Schala being a bottomless well of energy, which is only true in the "Divine" sense and not a real scope of her actual power. This aura has a range of 200 feet and is toggled on/off by user's will though it defaults to "on" in most cases.

    Sealed Appearance:
    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) RmruPe7
    Zanpakutou Name: Excalibur
    Call Out Command: Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.

    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) QLziz3V

    Ability Name: Divine Strike
    Ability Description: Schala is capable of "suffocating" her weapon in her "divine" reiatsu and reishi, causing it to gain a penetrative effect towards opponents, especially against Hierro-like effects. Against normal targets, this attack inflicts extremely precise damage and can cleave through most mundane materials effortlessly, but against targets with a Hierro, or any against any other defensive ability or kidou, this attack acts like a Quincy's Seele Schneider and rips and tears its way through to the actual target. This has a one post cooldown, and is a singular attack.

    Ability Name: Divine Defense
    Ability Description: Schala is wrapped in a field of "divine" energy and she has looped it so that the energy manifests as an invisible yet strong hierro-like effect surrounding her at all times in her Shikai and Bankai.

    Ability Name: Energy Emission
    Ability Description: User can propel their body in any direction at any angle in any way by ejecting a small or large amount of energy out of their body. The size of the emission will be proportional to the amount of propulsion/movement caused. This can be used in place of Shunpo but does not need to. The effects of Shunpo cannot stack with this ability.

    Ability Name: Manifested Guardian
    Ability Description: Schala can project her fighting spirit as a formidable entity that resembles a Hollow. Schala is perpetually attached to this entity, regardless of where it was produced from and how they're attached, and attempts to sever the entity from Schala are met with pain. As the entity is a projection of Schala's own fighting spirit, in the event that it is in fact severed from her physical body, this ability is disabled for two posts. However, the entity itself can travel at bala speeds up to 30ft and can make up to three attacks in a single post with it's own bare hands, after which it returns to Schala at the same speed. Every time the entity is summoned it completely changes appearance, except that it always looks vaguely Hollow-like. Normal attacks that do not kill the Guardian do not cause Schala pain as only the act of defeating the guardian, by any means, causes her discomfort or pain.

    New Name: Caliburn
    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) 4zhsRUT

    Ability Name: Divine Blast
    Ability Description: Schala can release a blast of her "Divine" energy following the arc of her zanpaktou swing. This blast penetrates up to 100ft before exploding for 30 ft for a cero damage once per post.

    Ability Name: Transcendant Presence
    Ability Description: Divine Aura now grows flowers and grass in the area effected as "Life" is brought to it's area of effect. This causes minor regeneration for allies, and "burns" enemies, but does not actually do real damage to enemies, while they are in her aura's range. (It stings. Make it stop!)

    Ability Name: Proteja
    Ability Description: The user creates a glowing blue suit of reishi armor around themselves as well as two large non-moving angel wings of blue light as well. While this looked visually amazing, the purpose is that while she looks as such, she is able draw any attack(s) that occur within 200 feet of her TO herself for one post. Upon being hit by the attacks this ability reduces the total damage she would have taken by half regardless of what all actually hits her. She is not allowed to move while using this ability meaning it's activation ensures whatever attacks are going on at the time will hit her and only her. Explosion abilities or otherwise "large" area of effect attacks like Cero are similarly pulled to only directly hit the user. While active the only one able to be hurt IS THE USER. This ability has a three post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Sephirot
    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) 9nmPURB
    Ability Description: The Manifested Guardian ability becomes inactive as it is replaced by this one during Bankai. The random appearing hollow-like creature is instead replaced with a massive gargatuan of a creature that always looks the same. Sephirot is a massive 50 meters tall. He has the following strengths: Strength, Reiatsu, Durability, Endurance and the following weaknesses: Speed, Zanjutsu, Hakuda. Sephirot is capable of launching six punches at a time, due to having  six arms, but is otherwise a hulking brute in terms of pratical "skill". He is able to fire one "Cero" of pure reishi from his mouth once per post. He is able to launch one gran rey cero attack while he is summoned, which again originates from his mouth. Dealing damage to Sephirot directly does not cause Schala pain or discomfort, but destroying Sephirot, while hard, is possible and upon killing him Schala in inflicted with heavy amounts of pain though she doesn't take any "actual" damage. The two do not have to act together or even remain near eachother. Schala and Sephirot immediately know what the other knows at all times and can react to that information accordingly. This creature lasts until defeated, upon which time Schala is capable of remaking a new one by sacrificing a forbidden kidou worth of energy for the process.

    Last edited by Rena on Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:33 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Schala (KIdou Corp Noble) Empty Re: Schala (KIdou Corp Noble)

    Post by Ika Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:33 am

    Approved 3-1

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:23 am