Kidou List


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    Kidou List Empty Kidou List

    Post by Rena Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:57 pm

    Canon Kidou List

    Hadō (Way of Destruction):

    • Spell Name: Shō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #1
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster extends his index finger before firing a concentrated blast of high knetic energy that will push most people or objects a few meters away from the caster but they take no damage from the kido, only if they hit or crash into something after getting knocked back by the kido.

    • Spell Name: Usuinageha (Pale throwing blade)
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #3
      Spell Incantation: "Mask of flesh and blood, birds that soar the heavens, rain upon thy foe and deliver him a finishing blow!"
      Spell Effect: By charging up spirit energy in his arm with his palm flat out before making a arc with the arm, The caster can fire a small curved energy blade, able to cut through most things it comes into contact to. it can also be fired in rapid succession.

    • Spell Name: Byakurai
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #4
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster extends his index finger and gathers spirit energy at the tip of his extended finger before firing a concentrated beam of cobalt colored lightning at the target, addition lightning is wrapped around the beam, adding to the effect of the lightning as it travels.

      Spell Name:Jūgeki Byakurai (重撃白雷, Heavy-Strike Pale Lightning )
      Spell Type: Hado (Modified Kido)
      Spell Number: 4
      Incantation: Unknown
      Spell Effect: A modified version of Hadō #4. Byakurai. Unlike its unmodified counterpart, this spell takes the appearance of a red beam powerful enough to pierce through a durable foe, such as Sōsuke Aizen, from a considerable distance.

    • Spell Name: Tsuzuri Raiden
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #11
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster, either using their zanpakuto or the palm of their hands against a object or target, generates a current of yellow lightning through the hand/zanpakuto into the object/target, causing electrical damage to anyone in range of the current.

    • Spell Name: Fushibi
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #12
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: This kido doesn't require a noticeable gesture as it can be activated by only speaking the incantation and/or name of kido. A bright orange kido net forms around one side of the caster, which appears only when its spell is cast, catching anyone within the net will temporarily stop them in their tracks. Although the Fushibi net is highly unstable and when hit by kido, it explodes violently, causing some amounts of explosive damage to anyone caught within the net. This spell can also be used in conjunction with other kido and zanpakuto techniques for a variety of alternate effects.

    • Spell Name: Shakkahō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #31
      Spell Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"
      Spell Effect: fires an orb of red energy that can vary in size, depending on the practitioner, the technique creates a small explosion and causes some burn damage as well, results vary from person to person.

    • Spell Name: Ōkasen
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #32
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster holds their zanpakuto horizontally and in front of them before charging a small yellow orb within the center of the zanpakuto's blade before it fires out as a long range, wide yet thin yellow beam once fully charged up. The caster can also use a hand for a quicker charge but the beam will be a smaller circluar beam about the size of your palm instead of the wider range when using the zanpakuto to fire it.

    • Spell Name: Sōkatsui
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #33
      Spell Incantation: "All things in the universe that fly, that which names all, in the name of truth and temperance, dig your claws into the wall of sinless dreams!
      Spell Effect: the caster extends his whole palm with his fingers extended forwards but only slightly apart before blue flame-like spirit energy flows into the center of the extended palm before firing a large wave of blue flames towards a target, without the incantation, it appears more as a blue fireball that rockets towards a target instead of a wave. causes a explosion on impact plus burn damage depending on tier of the target.

    • Spell Name: Haien
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #54
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster gathers purple energy into their hand before throwing it, once thrown, it forms into a boomerang shaped projectile that disintegrates a singular target part (a arm, leg, rock, etc) only, it cannot do this against a full body of spiritual energy as it's beyond the kido's ability to do so.

    • Spell Name: Daichi Tenyō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #57
      Spell Incantation: None
      Spell Effect: This uses the caster's hands to levitate objects and/or people and throws them around towards a target (mostly objects in this regard) with people, this would be either pushing them out of harms way or throwing a alley forward to increase their speed towards a target or can be used on allies PCs (with permission of course) or NPCs of lower or equal tier.

    • Spell Name: Tenran
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #58
      Spell Incantation: None
      Spell Effect: the caster draws his zanpakuto and Levitates it in front of him before touching the handle gently to send it spinning around in mid air, getting rapidly faster and faster until the caster grabs the handle with the blade facing towards the ground before it fires a tornado from around the zanpakuto from the handle to the tip of the blade outwards towards the target and anything within the area of the tornado's effective radius which is four meters. can also be used with a hand supported by the other hand if the zanpakuto isn't available or for speed

    • Spell Name: Raikōhō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #63
      Spell Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"
      Spell Effect: The caster uses this spell by raising the hand facing towards what he his going to be firing at and opening his hand to his palm, gathering yellow energy, similar to #32, but forming in front of the palm and with lightning covering the orb before, at the caster's command, it fires as a stream of lightning energy, shaped to look like a lightning strike towards the target which explodes violently in a destructive cloud of lightning, causing both explosive damage and electrical damage at once, results vary from person to person.

    • Spell Name: Sōren Sōkatsui
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #73
      Spell Incantation: "Mask of flesh and blood, universe soar, the one crowned with man's name, twin lotuses into the wall of blue flames, wait for the edge of the great fire in the heavens!"
      Spell Effect: the enhanced version of Sōkatsui; the caster gathers the same blue flame-like energy but into both palms instead of one and then thrusts both his palms together at the target, causing a much larger explosion and increased damaged to the target or object hit plus extra flame damage, depending on tier. Appears as a stream of blue flames, similar to a flame thrower only if the flames were blue.

    • Spell Name: Zangerin
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #78
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The Caster produces a wide ring of spiritual energy that is formed from the tip/s of the caster's zanpakuto, done within a circle and forming small spines around it. The caster then blasts the ring outwards, causing a large scale explosion around the surrounding area. Effective radius depends on tier, but maximum is about ten meters.

    • Spell Name: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #88
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster grips his firing arm to support it before channeling large amounts of lightning-based energy and the wielder's own spiritual energy, fused together in the palm of the outstreched hand before firing, expanding into a massive beam of electrical and spiritual energies combined. On impact with the target, it explodes violently, covering a area of fifteen meters within a blaze of plasma fire, consuming anything in its way.

    • Spell Name: Kurohitsugi
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #90
      Spell Incantation: "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"
      Spell Effect: The caster points his middle finger and index finger upwards as a spark of dark purple energy forms at the tip before expanding out around the target, normally someone within arms reach of the caster, the energy forms a coffin composed of the dark purple energy that quickly seals the target inside, keeping them inside with high amounts of gravitation pressure before several spears with crosses at the ends appear within the box before striking the target inside like a kido equivalent to a iron maiden before releasing them, causing heavy cuts to the target's body and leaving them weakened from the sudden return of regular gravity, causing most targets to collapse afterwords.

    • Spell Name: Senjū Kōten Taihō
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #91
      Spell Incantation: "Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired"
      Spell Effect: The caster takes a guard stance and extands either his zanpakuto or hand forward, as the spell or incantation is spoken, ten pink comet like projectiles form around the caster. Once the incantation and/the name of the spell is spoken, the projectiles fire rapidly into their target and explode violently with a large pink explosion that covers a twenty-five meter radius.

    • Spell Name: Ittō Kasō
      Spell Type: Gisei Hadō (Sacrificial Way of Destruction)
      Spell Number: #96
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: This kido requires the use of the caster's arm as the catalyst for this spell, this kido is used when close to the target, grabbing onto them before speaking the spell. Once done, cracks appear within the caster's arm, glowing red before exploding violently around the target in the shape of the top end of a katana's blade, cause massive burn damage to any inside.

      Spell Name: Goryūtenmetsu (五龍転滅, Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction)
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: #99
      Incantation: Unknown
      Spell Effect: Upon activation, energy ruptures a large area around the user, causing the ground to rise up in pillars, before rising into the air to for five enormous dragons above the user. This energy is then directed to a target in where is smashes into them releasing a larger explosion.

      Spell Name: Gaki Rekkō (牙気裂光, Raging Light Fang)
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: Unnumbered
      Incantation: Unknown
      Spell Effect: Creates a circle of energy before firing multiple blasts of green light from its center in a cage-like formation. This attack appears as several blasts of in the shape of beams fired in a similar manor to Bakudo #62 Hyapporankan.

      Spell Name: Hyōga Seiran (氷河晴嵐, Glacier Vapor Storm)
      Spell Type: Hadō
      Spell Number: Unnumbered
      Incantation: Unknown
      Spell Effect: The practitioner fires a massive wave of ice which freezes its targets and the surrounding area. It is strong enough to destroy a group of Menos Grande with its sheer power and break through Bakudō #81. Dankū, which can block any destructive spell numbered 89 or less, though it took around fifteen seconds to do so.

      Spell Name: Sannodō — Teppūsatsu ( 三の道 — 鉄風殺, Third Path — Iron Wind Murder )
      Spell Type: Ura Hadō
      Spell Number: Unnumbered
      Incantation: Unknown
      Spell Effect: The practitioner makes a chopping motion with their hand, creating an aura shaped like the head of a large dragon that blows a powerful wind from its mouth at the enemy. This technique is strong enough to shatter protective Hado of strength 95 or lower.

    Bakudō (Way of Binding):

    • Spell Name: Sai
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #1
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster extends his middle and index finger towards a target, sending energy that locks their hands behind their backs, similar to handcuffs. can be used on multiple targets at once.

    • Spell Name: Hainawa
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #4
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster gathers yellow spirit energy into either a single hand or both before sending out a crackling yellow energy rope that wraps around the target's body and arms, restricting their movements. this kido can be used in conjunction with Rikujōkōrō by using the rope to create the rods from the light it creates.

    • Spell Name: Seki
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #8
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster forms a small orb of blue energy, normally around the top of the hand while the hand is in a fist. When a attack comes into contact with it, usually a melee attack like a sword or physically attacks like kicks or punches, breaks and repulses the attack back, forcing the attack back.

    • Spell Name: Geki
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #9
      Spell Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
      Spell Effect: The caster either casts their hand at their target or spells out the kanji of the spell's name before the target is surrounded with a red aura, causes complete paralysis to the target, freezing them in the position they are in when the spell hit them.

    • Spell Name: Hōrin
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #9
      Spell Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
      Spell Effect: The caster creates a ball of orange energy before releasing it by extending their index and middle fingers of the casting hand, firing a orange tendril with yellow spirals twisting around it. The kido is designed to ensnare and immobilizes the target, although the caster keeps a hold of the kido, meaning the caster can control where the tendril goes, unlike Hainawa which doesn't stay with the caster normally. the caster can also fire a second one if needed with the other hand and the tendrils can connect so if two targets were captured, they could be bound together.

    • Spell Name: Sekienton
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #21
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: the caster places his hands on the ground or below him if he is standing in the air before generating a red circle underneath him, creating a large cloud of light red smoke that obscures the movements of the caster, allowing to either get away or attack while his opponent can't see him coming, although the smoke doesn't hide the caster's spiritual pressure unless he hides that after performing the kido.

    • Spell Name: Kyokkō
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #26
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: This kido is performed by casting a bright light around the caster from a extended hand, surrounding the caster before bending the light around the caster, rendering their physical presence invisible as well as hiding their spiritual pressure from the outside view. Although while active, the caster cannot attack in anyway unless the kido is broken first and someone of a higher tier can break it or still detect the kido's energy.

    • Spell Name: Shitotsu Sansen
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #30
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster, using a single hand, draws out a inverted yellow triangle before three, claw-like shapes generate from the three points on the triangle he just made with his hand, these claw triangle fire out rapidly, pinning the target's upper arms and the middle of the target's chest, this however doesn't paralyze the target but keeps them restrained to a surface.

    • Spell Name: Tsuriboshi
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #37
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster extends his hand, forming a blue ball of energy normally underneath a falling object where six ropes shoot out and attach to nearby surfaces, taking on a elastic-like quality that can take a large amount of impact forces when something lands on it before coming up slowly with a bounce.

    • Spell Name: Enkōsen
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #39
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster, either using their hands or their zanpakuto in a blocking motion, form a large rotating round shield, made of a dull yellow spiritual energy in front of themselves, general in front of their zanpakuto or hands. Designed to block a single attack.

    • Spell Name: Kakushitsuijaku
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #58
      Spell Incantation: "Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain."
      Spell Effect: The caster draws a circle with a cross with black powder before drawing four, different symbols in their correct places in the cross sections before the caster places his hands just under the circle to activate the spell, which causes the inside of the circle to glow blue with various number kanji appearing rapidly within the circle, this kido increases the caster's ability to sense spiritual pressure and their basic senses in general to seek a target, the numbers will keep rotating rapidly until the correct set is found, relating to the target's longitude and latitude.

    • Spell Name: Rikujōkōrō
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #61
      Spell Incantation: "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
      Spell Effect: The caster points his middle and index finger towards the target before a spark of light emits from the tips of his extended fingers, forming six long but thin rods of light that shoot rapidly towards a target, slamming into their midsection and keeping the arms to the sides, this also paralyzes anything not connected by the rods, parlaying the entire body in the process.

    • Spell Name: Hyapporankan
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #62
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster generates a large purple tinted rod made of condense spiritual energy by pressing their palms together before spreading them out to make the rod. Alternatively, the caster can perform this one handed by generating the rod directly into their free hand. The cast then throws the rod towards its intended target before the rod instantaneously splits into a hundred rods of equal size and length, which if enough hit can pin a opponent against a surface, immobilizing them, although important to note that this kido doesn't paralyze the target, meaning the target can still move anything not pin downed by the rods.

    • Spell Name: Sajō Sabaku
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #63
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell effect: The caster raises their hand into the air before closing their hand into a fist, directed at the intended target where yellow energy forms either from the air above the target, from around the arm of the caster or it comes from behind the caster's shoulder, where it forms into thick chain-like ropes, which swirl around the target, wrapping around the torso area, binding the arms behind them before tightening around them, immobilizing them. Normally this kido can't be broken by physical strength by those of equal tier and below, someone two tiers and above can break out of it by physical strength, especially those enhanced in either a hollow mask or forced into a hollow form.

    • Spell Name: Tozanshō
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #73
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell effect: The caster forms a blue ball of energy, which forms beneath either the caster or a intended target. The ball then breaks off into four beams of blue energy that extend upwards from the center point. Once in the correct positions, they travel across, forming the sides of the barrier, forming a inverted pyramid barrier around the caster or target plus anyone within the range of the barrier. The kido can also be used around other kido like Tsuriboshi.

    • Spell Name: Gochūtekkan
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #75
      Spell Incantation: "Wall of iron sand, tower of the shaman priests, glow incandescent iron, tranquil and soundless!"
      Spell Effect: the caster places his hands together, as the incantation is spoken, five small yellow orbs with little tails float upwards above the caster's head until he raises his hands in a combined fist as they become flat circles rotating around his hands until finishing the kido and then the caster rapid sends his hands towards the ground, sending the orbs crashing into the ground and disappearing into it, then a bright light will appear above the target before five tall, thick steel pillars connected with thin chains that descends down rapidly to pin the target down with the weight, with the one at the top pressing on the back or chest, depending on which way the pillars fell on them but the other four will always press down on the arms and legs.

    • Spell Name: Tenteikūra
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #77
      Spell Incantation: "Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens."
      Spell Effect: The caster first draws kanji on the palms of his hands and a circuit-like pattern going up the arms in a zig-zag way with black powder or their own blood before placing his palms in front of him, creating a glowing blue square, as he recites the incantation, roots will form from the square, creating a network. the primary power of this kido is communication and can be used to talk to anyone mentally in the area of the caster's using, this kido also works cross dimension as well and can be used to talk to multiple people at once or one but also anyone within the close vicinity of the caster can also talk to whoever is connected by the kido.

    • Spell Name: Kuyō Shibari
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #79
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster twists their hand in front of their face, forming eight black holes with a purple outline that emit spiritual energy out around the target, the ninth black hole forming at the center of the target's chest, once all nine are formed, they immobilize the target's ability to move similar to how spiritual pressure can immobilize a target by focusing spiritual pressure against them.

    • Spell Name: Dankū
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #81
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster forms a translucent rectangular barrier in front of the caster. This kido can protect the user from kido based attacks up to #89 but only protects in front of the caster, so coming behind the caster or to the side can bypass the powerful protection of this kido.

    • Spell Name: Restrict
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #99 (Part 1)
      Spell Incantation: N/A
      Spell Effect: The caster holds their palms away from themselves, with their arms extended out to the sides, before clasping their hands together, with the fingers intertwined intricately. When First learning this kido, the caster is restricted to binding the target's arms with spiritualized black fabric and iron shafts rammed into the very flesh of the target. Once perfected, the caster can not only bind the arms but the entire body as they are pinned to the ground with the frabric spreading out in a X formation before being kept in place by additional iron shafts. X extends about seven meters from the target.

    • Spell Name: Bankin
      Spell Type: Bakudō
      Spell Number: #99 (Part 2)
      Spell Incantation: "First Incantation - Bandage! Second Incantation - A thousand Dead Bolts! Final Incantation - Fatal Shaft!"
      Spell Effect: The caster starts by saying the spell type, number and name of the kido before slamming the index and middle fingers of both hands into the ground as it causes a dust cloud to vent out the ground. The caster then says the first incantation, causing white spiritual energy forms out from where their fingers are, forming around the target and solidifying into tightly wrapped bandages around the target. On the second incantation while keeping the same position with their fingers in the ground, summon a thousand steel bolts with twisted ends to piece the flesh of the target, keeping the bandages and the target additionally pinned down. On the final incantation, the caster brings their fingers out the ground puts both palms together before a giant metal cube, covered in circuit-like patterns that slams into the target, leaving no change to move at all or (in death enabled threads and with the other RPer's permission) possible kill the target.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:26 am