The Gotei 8


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    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    The Gotei 8 Empty The Gotei 8

    Post by Rena Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:55 pm

    The Gotei Eight

    By the accounting of anyone alive today, the Gotei has existed in its current form for centuries. A practical reflection of rule by the strongest, the Gotei is an elite organization founded and led by Shinigami who use their unique powers and abilities to protect the Cycle of Souls and ensure the stability of all three primary realms. The true origins of the Gotei are less a closely guarded secret and more a practical impossibility to truly know, as the few beings who yet live from the time of its inception have either forgotten or never knew in the first place. Any stories that survive today are likely to be speculation or wild tales, even if the smallest unintentional nugget of truth lies within them.

    What is known is that the most powerful souls among the Soul Society have always lined the ranks of the Gotei. Shinigami were never the only souls in the Soul Society but rather are a truly rare percentage of all of those who dwell in the 'second life'. Most Shinigami today begin their training in the Spiritual Arts Academy after being selected by recruiters or nominated by those with political connections, such as the Noble Houses. The standard curriculum involves six years of rigorous training in sword arts, kidou, hand-to-hand combat and various other Shinigami technique; the truly gifted may finish as quickly as four years and it is also not unusual for students to take 1-2 years beyond the normal. Additional proficiencies studied include the academic knowledge necessary to blend in within the various cultures of the world, as well as how to safely hunt and eliminate Hollows.

    When students graduate the Academy they are brought into the proper ranks of the Gotei where they join one of the elite Squadrons, each specializing in broad but related sets of skills, and each supporting the greater mission of the Gotei. Shinigami continue to practice the rigid structure of mentor/student established in Academy but also find themselves a part of a paramilitary organization with each Squadron lead by a Captain as the commanding officer.

    The First Division
    Squad One - Administration

    Authority derives from strong leadership and unquestioned power. It is these principles by which the First Divisions carries out its mission to provide administration over the Seireitei, The Gotei, and various posts of importance throughout the three realms. Unlike the other divisions, the First lacks any true 'specialty' and instead enjoys the broad talents of all of its members. Those who seek to lead and organize people in general find themselves drawn here for both their own betterment as well as that of their compatriots.

    In times of war or emergency, members of the First are often given special privilege to take control over small squadrons or task forces made up of members from multiple Divisions in order to carry out critical tasks. Tasks which require vision, cunning, and a sense of duty in order to complete.

    The First Division is intrinsically linked with the Spiritual Arts Academy since its very inception, providing instruction to the very best candidate that the Soul Society has to offer. While graduates are awaiting assignment to a permanent Division, they are considered members of the First.

    The First Division is currently Captained by Commander - Tina Almenor 0
    Vice-Captain: Ayaka Kamisato 2-5
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:
    Unseated Members: Kiyoshi Shiba 2-4

    The Second Division
    Squad Two - Covert Operations

    By the very nature of their tasks, the Second Division is often regarded with caution by many members of the Gotei. Just as there are always enemies that are plainly easy to fight, such as rampaging Hollows, there are also always enemies who speak softly and hide their malice as they fester in the shadows. It is there, hidden from the light, that the Second Divisions does battle to protect the Gotei.

    Members of the Second often garner reputations for their coldness and distance, behavior interpreted as merciless or insensitive. While this is surely true to an extent, selection for the Second is based not on these traits of personality but rather the raw application of precision and skill demonstrated by any candidate. Above all else, the Second values discretion and psychological composure.

    Historically, the Second has operated a number of prisons within the Seireitei include the 'Special Detention Unit' which neutralizes and looks after high profile criminals. It is not that the Second Division is above the reproach of the common law, but rather that their unique set of skills naturally lend this Division to the protection of secrets in all their forms.

    The Second Division is currently Captained by Shuya Kitakaze 1-4
    Vice-Captain: Chihiro Senba 2-4
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

    The Third Division
    Squad Three - Applied Sciences

    Even though the Gotei has a reputation for ancient ways and traditions, the development and learning of all of its members and their evolving weaponry has always been a major focus of its mission. Ever-improving technologies and methods and spiritual tools allow the Gotei to push the boundaries of its power to cover greater and more modern means each day. After all, what good as their methods if the realms they try to protect have left them in the dust.

    Members of the Third Division are not simple mechanics or scientists, running tests and tinkering in labs. But rather, these intellectual warriors actively lead research, organize projects, and test and improve all manner of technologies in order to apply their brilliance to the world around them. The Third looks chiefly for those who aspire to hone their mind as much as their blade, and who value creative solutions to practical problems.

    Accepting limitations is a dirty word among the folks in Applied Sciences

    The Third Division is Captained by Mizuki de Grey 1-1
    Vice-Captain: [Reserved by Himbo/Thundercloud]
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

    The Fourth Division
    Squad Four - Field Support

    Although the Seireitei is a place, it still has a heartbeat and lifeblood that flows throughout its streets. It is this lifeblood that is the responsibility of the Fourth Division in all the myriad forms that it might take. During times of peace, this can be the logistical necessities you might commonly find in any military. Whether it be having equipment ready at the site of a training exercise, or having rations and supplies gathered for Shinigami who are about to be dispatched to the World of the Living. However, it is during times of war that the skills and expertise of this Division truly shine.

    Boasting the greatest healers, protectors, and support-type fighters in all of the Gotei, the Fourth Division manages the condition of all the Seireitei's warriors ensuring that they get the supplies, support, and care that they need to stay alive and keep fighting. Whether that need be from the expert application of Kaido in the field, or the careful reattachment of a limb in surgery, the health and well-being of the Gotei is their tireless task.

    Above all else, the Fourth embodies the rejection of the current state of the world and the imposition of raw will on top of it. Needs are seen, and needs are eliminated through diligence, care, planning, and the sharp minds that wield these tools. While it is commonly believed that members of the Fourth must have high empathy, that is not entirely true. It is more valuable instead that members of this Division maintain their sense of vision and are capable of putting the mission above all other interests.

    The Fourth Division is Captained by Shihoin Izanagi 1-5
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

    The Fifth Division
    Squad Five - Primary Combat Squadron

    The other Divisions of the Gotei boast unique specialties with various supportive capacities. This is simply not the case for the Fifth whose purpose is crystal clear: they fight. As the only dedicated infantry force, the Fifth is expected to be the first warriors into the fray and the last ones out, containing the strongest combatants within the Gotei. This Division must tactically and strategically eliminate threats to peace so as to minimize the loss of life and minimize the risk to the rest of the Gotei.

    Many strategists, duelists, and brawlers all find their homes in the Fifth Division. Members are expected to be open to the horrors of combat and willing to wade in and around potentially grizzly realities, as cowardice is the greatest possible sin against their mission. Here, you will be asked to test your mettle regularly so that the men and women you serve with can feel confident in putting their lives in your hands.

    Thanks to the straight-forward mission of the Fifth Division, it often has a reputation for containing meat-heads and simpletons who just want to punch things. While there are surely some members of the Fifth that fit this stereotype, the true threats within its ranks are only too happy to let you feel that way about them as they calculate their advantage. Additionally, many people associate only those skilled with the blade with membership in the Fifth, but this could not be further from the truth. Anyone with a gift for combat and the willingness to fight is welcomed, regardless of the weapon they bring with them.

    The Fifth Division is Captained by Kenpachi Yamamoto Kishibe 1-1
    Vice-Captain: Okami Shiba 2-1
    Third Seat: Hayate Yoshida 2-5
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:
    Unseated Members: Astrid Brynhildr 3-1

    The Sixth Division
    Squad Six - Internal Affairs

    The Law is something many people, including the Shinigami of the Gotei, have a mixed relationship with. It is the sacred task of the Sixth to turn the mirror of self-examination upon the Gotei and ensure that standards are being upheld, and that those who act on behalf of the Gotei do so with honest intentions, and in good faith. Historically, the Sixth has also looked after many prisons both within the Seireitei and in the Rukongai as matters of civil and criminal justice as well.

    Investigations into officer's conduct, review of the force applied to resolve problems, the approval of morally or ethically questionable missions, all of this is within the purview of the Sixth. For many members of the Sixth this comes with the assumed reputation of being policy-minded paper pushers but, as with many misconceptions, it is at best partially true. As the Division most primarily concerned with Order, it is in the best interests of its members to remain in fit fighting shape lest they be beset by the unlawful, or lest a rogue Shinigami defy their lawful orders and resist detainment.

    Due to the nature of their work, applicants to the Sixth should first and foremost have a strong sense of self so that they can resist ridicule, temptation, and derision by those they might seek to enforce the law upon. While having the law on your side is often of great comfort, members of this Division must also be ready and willing to fight with both words and sword to assert their authority and affect compliance.

    The Sixth Division is Captained by Hyoroshi Iwamura 1-5
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:
    Unseated Members:

    The Seventh Division
    Squad Seven - Seireitei-Rukongai Diplomacy

    The 7th Division maintains peace between Seireitei and Rukongai. They make sure shinigami don't go causing chaos in Seireitei, and they are responsible for ensuring that the Rukongai is kept in necessary order so that problems do not arise given it's proximity to the Seireitei. When souls have problems, questions, complaints, concerns, or anything else that might warrant an administrative touch, the 7th squad is their point of contact. They often act on their own, but also work with various other divisions.

    The Seventh Division is Captained by Kaen Honoka 1-5
    Vice-Captain: Akihiko Kinasimoto 3-1
    Third Seat:
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

    The Eighth Division
    Squad Eight - Reconnaissance and external affairs

    The 8th Division is the unit that are responsible of the act of sending out shinigami to gather information, and sometimes work in cooperation with 2nd Division agents on more serious missions. They are also the ones that sort all outgoing and incoming information before sending it up the chain of command for actionable work to be given. This squad is also responsible for keeping tabs on things between the realms, and will usually have at least a few of their members keeping tabs on the Human World at any given time.

    The Eighth Division is Captained by Sano Mazi 0
    Vice-Captain: Akane Makishima 1-2
    Third Seat: Wukong 2-2
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

    The Kidou Corps
    Kidou Corps

    The Kidō Corps is a group of specialists presiding over spiritual law. It is one of the organizations within Soul Society that is allowed the use of force along with the Gotei 13 and Onmitsukidō, and is also a special organization comprised of experienced Kidō users. Even the Gotei 13 put their trust in their skills.The Kidō Corps takes students from the Shin'ō Academy that excel in Kidō and trains them to further their abilities in said area. Its operations are executed in absolute secrecy. Not much is known of the Kido Corps internal structure. In keeping with their secretive nature, the Kidō Corp standard uniform includes white face-coverings, enveloping the entire head, excluding eyes. Other than that the uniform consists of the standard black Shinigami shihakushō and sandals with white tabi. Not much is known of their capabilities or duties other than a few known facts. The Kidō Corps is responsible for opening the Senkaimon between the Human World and Soul Society along with responsibility for releasing the Sōkyoku seal during executions.

    The Kidou Corps is Commandeered by
    Vice-Captain: Mirabelle 2-3
    Third Seat: Schala 3-1
    Fourth Seat:
    Fifth Seat:

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:58 pm